8 April 1996 Effect of oxygen deposition pressure and temperature on the structure and properties of pulsed laser-deposited La0.67Ca0.33MnOδ films
James S. Horwitz, Paul C. Dorsey, N. C. Koon, M. Rubinstein, J. M. Byers, D. J. Gillespie, Michael S. Osofsky, V. G. Harris, K. S. Grabowski, D. L. Knies, Edward P. Donovan, Randolph E. Treece, Douglas B. Chrisey
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The effect of substrate temperature and oxygen deposition pressure on the structure and properties of thin films of LaxCa1-xMnO(delta ) has been investigated. Thin films (approximately 1000 angstroms) of La0.67Ca0.33MnO(delta ) were deposited onto LaAlO3 (100) substrates by pulsed laser deposition at a substrate temperature of 600 and 700 degree(s)C. A series of films were grown on different oxygen pressures, between 15 and 400 mTorr, which systematically changed the oxygen concentrations in the films. As-deposited films exhibited an oriented orthorhombic structure. At low oxygen deposition pressures films were preferentially (202) oriented. At high pressures deposited films had a (040) preferred orientation. A 900 degree(s)C anneal in flowing oxygen of a film deposited at low oxygen pressure resulted in a decrease in the a lattice parameter and a change in the preferred orientation from (202) to (040). Vacuum annealing at 550 degree(s)C resulted in an increase in the a lattice parameter. The resistivity as a function of temperature showed a significant variation as a function of growth conditions. The peak in the resistivity curve (Tm) varied between 73 and 150 K depending upon the growth conditions. The activation energy associated with the semiconducting phase was approximately the same for all films (approximately 100 meV).
© (1996) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
James S. Horwitz, Paul C. Dorsey, N. C. Koon, M. Rubinstein, J. M. Byers, D. J. Gillespie, Michael S. Osofsky, V. G. Harris, K. S. Grabowski, D. L. Knies, Edward P. Donovan, Randolph E. Treece, and Douglas B. Chrisey "Effect of oxygen deposition pressure and temperature on the structure and properties of pulsed laser-deposited La0.67Ca0.33MnOδ films", Proc. SPIE 2703, Lasers as Tools for Manufacturing of Durable Goods and Microelectronics, (8 April 1996); Logo
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X-ray diffraction



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Pulsed laser deposition


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