27 June 1997 Performance characterization of an internally cooled window in a nonuniform high-heat-flux environment
David A. Kalin, Lori C. Brooks, Carl John Wojciechowski, Gregory W. Jones
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The performance of an internally cooled silicon window in a high heat flux environment has been characterized in the laboratory. The article under test was convectively/radiatively heated with a large-area-flame oxy- acetylene torch, and cooled by circulating water through internal channels. Heating rates ranging from 5 to 120 W/cm2 were achieved over the surface of the window and generated thermal gradients in the window that exceeded flight levels by an order of magnitude. This gave us a measure of window performance under stressing conditions. Thirty one heating tests were conducted to measure the thermal and optical efficiency of the windows. The degree of surface temperature uniformity was derived from midwave infrared images of the test window surface collected on a two- dimensional array, InSb camera. Optical wavefront distortion was measured with an infrared shearing interferometer. Data was collected on both a video tape recorder and a digital data acquisition system before, during, and after the period of window heating. Experimental data on two windows along with theoretical predictions are presented in this paper. The theoretical code took a given heat flux distribution into the window and predicted the surface temperature distribution, and the change in the window dimensions and index of refraction. Experimental data and theoretical predictions compared well.
© (1997) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
David A. Kalin, Lori C. Brooks, Carl John Wojciechowski, and Gregory W. Jones "Performance characterization of an internally cooled window in a nonuniform high-heat-flux environment", Proc. SPIE 3060, Window and Dome Technologies and Materials V, (27 June 1997);
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Adaptive optics


Data acquisition



Heat flux

Infrared radiation


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