30 April 1998 Multiview 3D imaging system with full-color capabilities
Jung-Young Son, Victor G. Komar, You Seek Chun, Sergei Sabo, Victor Mayorov, L. Balasny, S. Belyaev, Mihail Semin, M. Krutik, Hyung-Wook Jeon
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Proceedings Volume 3295, Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems V; (1998)
Event: Photonics West '98 Electronic Imaging, 1998, San Jose, CA, United States
A multiview 3D imaging system utilizing a holographic screen is described. This system is consisted of a horizontal array of 8 cameras, a signal converter, a full color beam projector and a full color holographic screen. The camera array is composed of 8 CCD cameras having VGA image quality. The cameras are aligned in an arc having the radius of curvature 3 m. The separation between each camera is 3.5 cm. The signal converter is to convert 8 parallel image data from the camera array into a time multiplexed image signal train for each of 3 TV primary colors, and to control the system. The image sampling from each camera of the camera array is done by the field image rate as in the usual TV. The total image fields are 480 per second. The beam projector is consisted of 3 CRTs for the 3 primary colors, a large aperture objective and an 8 strips LCD shutter for each CRT. The projector is to extract 8 view images from the time multiplexed image signal train and projects the images on the holographic screen through the 8 strips LCD shutter located in front of each projector's objective lens. The switching of each strip in the shutter is synchronized with the camera sampling sequence by the signal converter. The holographic screen has the property of a spherical mirror and can create 6 viewing zones. This system can also display PC animated images. The images displayed on the screen are impressive.
© (1998) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jung-Young Son, Victor G. Komar, You Seek Chun, Sergei Sabo, Victor Mayorov, L. Balasny, S. Belyaev, Mihail Semin, M. Krutik, and Hyung-Wook Jeon "Multiview 3D imaging system with full-color capabilities", Proc. SPIE 3295, Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems V, (30 April 1998); Logo
Cited by 8 scholarly publications.
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Imaging systems

Camera shutters



Projection systems


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