1 June 1999 MEMS microshutter SLM for intensity modulation
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Using two micro lens arrays and a MEMS micro shutter array, an intensity modulating Spatial Light Modulator is being developed at MEMS Optical, Inc. (patent pending) for high speed printing applications. The micro lens arrays are used to focus incident light to a point and then expand it back to its original size. At the focus point, a Foucault micro shutter array is used to modulate the amount of light allowed to pass through the aperture. The purpose for this device is for exposure control for high-speed electronic printing applications. The drive mechanism is based on an electrostatic lateral comb interdigitated drive. Design analysis shows a rise time of 1 - 2 microseconds for high voltage systems. This array of shutters is being implemented in a CMOS compatible process, and is capable of being integrated with on chip circuitry for opening and closing the shutters. The apertures are made using deep RIE etching, and the shutters are released using plasma etching. The result is an electronically controlled method of exposing a photosensitive surface at high speeds for the printing industry, with or without lasers.
© (1999) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
John R. Karpinsky, Rodney L. Clark, Jay A. Hammer, and Daniel M. Brown "MEMS microshutter SLM for intensity modulation", Proc. SPIE 3633, Diffractive and Holographic Technologies, Systems, and Spatial Light Modulators VI, (1 June 1999); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Camera shutters



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Spatial light modulators

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