1 October 1999 Nonstandard bleaching behavior in DNQ systems: modeling and lithographic consequences
Dan V. Nicolau, Susumu Yoshikawa, Mircea V. Dusa
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Proceedings Volume 3892, Device and Process Technologies for MEMS and Microelectronics; (1999)
Event: Asia Pacific Symposium on Microelectronics and MEMS, 1999, Gold Coast, Australia
The beneficial lithographic consequences of the unusual bleaching behavior of the positive DNQ-5-sulfonate based resists doped with imidazole derivatives was investigated. A proposed chemical pathway was the basis for the estimation of the relative molecular absorbance of the intermediate chemical species via semi-empirical quantum mechanics methods. The proposed chemical mechanism is conjunction with the experimentally observed evolution of the resist bleaching versus exposure energy were the basis for the formulation of the modeling equations regarding the evolution of the overall resist absorbance during exposure. These modeling equations were further implemented, together with the estimated molecular absorbance of the intermediate chemical species, in a microlithographic modeling package. Finally, Prolith-based simulations proved how the unusual bleaching behavior of the imidazole-doped DNQ resists is responsible for the positive features of the previously observed features of the Imager Reversal/positive tine lithography, namely dampening of the standing waves and better CD.
© (1999) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Dan V. Nicolau, Susumu Yoshikawa, and Mircea V. Dusa "Nonstandard bleaching behavior in DNQ systems: modeling and lithographic consequences", Proc. SPIE 3892, Device and Process Technologies for MEMS and Microelectronics, (1 October 1999);
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