In the report, the capability of detection of comets, similar comet of 1811 or comet Hole-Bopp in environs of other stars is considered. Recognizing that the maximum luminosity of a solar system comets is reached at a stream of a solar radiation apart approximately 1AU from the Sun, in the work the estimations of spacing intervals from comets up to stars around of which one they rotate are made. From the data about value of loss of a mass, the comet Hole-Bopp an estimation of influence gas-dusty cloud on transiting of irradiation of a star at transiting a similar comet between a star and Earth is made. Proceeding from a frequency of occurrence of the brightest comets of a solar system, in the paper quantity of comets reverting around of neighboring stars and quantity of comets, accessible to observation is evaluated. For stars located in environs about 20 parsecs from the Sun possible occurrence 5...6 large comets annually. As the Sun is a typical star of our Galaxy, the problem of existence for other stars of an own Oort cloud and capability of its detection is discussed.