25 February 2000 Thermodynamic and quantum statistic kinetic studies of electron-phonon relaxation by ablation of metals
Mauro Satta, David R. Ermer, Michael R. Papantonakis, Chiari Flamini, Richard F. Haglund Jr., Anna Giardini-Guidoni, Aldo Mele
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Proceedings Volume 4070, ALT '99 International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies; (2000)
Event: ALT'99 International Conference: Advanced Laser Technologies, 1999, Potenza-Lecce, Italy
Electron-phonon relaxation in metals following ultrashort- pulse optical excitation has been studied both in thin films and bulk metals by a number of investigators. Here we report recent experiments on ion emission from several different metals using a free-electron laser which delivers a train of subpicosecond micropulses in the mid-IR. The threshold intensities for the damage threshold together with the ion emission are used as markers for the onset of energy transfer to the lattice for ablation. Numerical calculations based on the Anisimov two-temperature model are used to evaluate the electron temperature Te and the lattice temperature Ti from the incident fluence at the damage threshold and the ion-emission. The result will be discussed in terms of the Hertz-Knudsen equation for vaporization and of a model based on laser induced multiple electronic transitions.
© (2000) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Mauro Satta, David R. Ermer, Michael R. Papantonakis, Chiari Flamini, Richard F. Haglund Jr., Anna Giardini-Guidoni, and Aldo Mele "Thermodynamic and quantum statistic kinetic studies of electron-phonon relaxation by ablation of metals", Proc. SPIE 4070, ALT '99 International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies, (25 February 2000);
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Free electron lasers

Laser ablation

Laser damage threshold

Picosecond phenomena

Pulsed laser operation


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