15 March 2001 Origin of transient effects in two-wave mixing experiments in BSO crystals
A. I. Grachev, Alexei A. Kamshilin, O. V. Kobozev, Victor V. Prokofiev
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Proceedings Volume 4358, Optics of Crystals; (2001)
Event: Optics of Crystals, 2000, Mozyr, Belarus
The transient dynamics of the internal space charge field was observed in two-wave mixing experiments in BSO crystals carried out at the wavelength of 633 nm under the external ac electric field. The effects involve practically complete disappearance of the initially strong space-charge field during continuous illumination of a sample by an interference pattern and the retrieval of the significant part of the initial field after the signal beam is switched off. Moreover, the compensated grating can be retrieved even after homogeneous illumination of whole sample without applying external field during many hours. The observations are explained in the frames of the monopolar free-carriers- transport model using the idea of spatial modulation of a sample photoconductivity. The change of the photoconductivity is due to non-equilibrium population of deep traps participating in photoexcitation of free electrons. The model is in accordance with the data of photoconductivity measurements indicating to the transient behavior of the photocurrent in studied BSO samples at the wavelength of 633 nm.
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A. I. Grachev, Alexei A. Kamshilin, O. V. Kobozev, and Victor V. Prokofiev "Origin of transient effects in two-wave mixing experiments in BSO crystals", Proc. SPIE 4358, Optics of Crystals, (15 March 2001); Logo
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