16 October 2001 High-speed and small-dimension TDICCD focal plane assemblies (FPAs) for space remote sensing camera
Qiaolin Huang, Shiping Chen, Min Zhu, Weiqi Jin
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Proceedings Volume 4602, Semiconductor Optoelectronic Device Manufacturing and Applications; (2001)
Event: International Symposium on Optoelectonics and Microelectronics, 2001, Nanjing, China
This paper highlights a set of high data rate, small size and low power dissipation time delay integration charge couple device (TDICCD) focal plane assemblies (FPAs), which has good demand for higher resolution capability (GRD equals 0.5 m) and has many good specifications: (1) TDICCD-FPA has high data rate of 16 MHz. (2) The size of TDICCD-FPA is 190*180*100 mm3. (3) The weight of TDICCD-FPA is 6 kg. (4) TDICCD-FPA working temperature is 0 degree(s)C - 10 degree(s)C. (5) Low power dissipation is 25 W. (6) A/D is 10 bit. (7) Dynamic range is 3000:1. Also, from the angle of the design of space TDICCD cameras, it introduces how to design focal plane assemblies (FPAs) -- including TDICCD field butt, FPAs machine design, electronic focal plane assemblies (EFPAs) video electronic- signal processing unit (SPU), TDICCD FPAs temperature control. Two dynamic TDICCD imaging instruments are manufactured using the 'push-broom' imaging principle, and their confident performances are also achieved.
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Qiaolin Huang, Shiping Chen, Min Zhu, and Weiqi Jin "High-speed and small-dimension TDICCD focal plane assemblies (FPAs) for space remote sensing camera", Proc. SPIE 4602, Semiconductor Optoelectronic Device Manufacturing and Applications, (16 October 2001); Logo
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