11 June 2003 Methods of change extraction in land use/land cover
Ping Wang, Jixian Zhang, Zongjian Lin, Yongguo Zheng
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The purpose of the project is to find information of LUCC (land use and land cover change) from 1985 to 2000 interval two periods in study area. Such as Changjiang delta, Shiyanghe drainage, Huanghuaihai district, these results will be provided to build LUCC database in our country next project. The remote sensing main data include ETM+, TM and parts of SPOT, because study area is very extensive, time is short too, it is very important to explore and develop extraction methods of LUCC information. Through making some experiments, the author finds some methods effectively base on study area as follows: (1) Methods of change detection efficiently are change identification methods in spectral feature, such as Image Subtraction and Threshold, PCA, Multi-temporal false color composite, bands ratio and so on. (2) Using ancillary data. Remote sensing allows large area to be monitored quickly, but GIS information provide source of very valuable information, which has great advantages over direct field surveying. Such as DEM, land use special subject information, vegetation cover. The use of these information, and remote sensing can together greatly attain changed information. To build new decision tree improve the efficiently of land use/land cover analyses too.
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Ping Wang, Jixian Zhang, Zongjian Lin, and Yongguo Zheng "Methods of change extraction in land use/land cover", Proc. SPIE 4898, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing, (11 June 2003);
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