30 August 2005 Calculation of effective impedance of polycrystals in weak magnetic fields
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We present results for the effective surface impedance tensor (EIT) of polycrystals of metals in a weak uniform magnetic field H. The frequency region corresponds to the region of the local impedance boundary conditions applicability. We suppose that the resistivity tensor rhoik(H) of single crystal grains out of which the polycrystal is composed, is known up to the terms O(H2). For olycrystals of metals of arbitrary symmetry elements of EIT can be calculated within the same accuracy in $H$, even if the tensor rhoik(H)is strongly anisotropic. As examples, we write down EIT of polycrystals of (i) cubic metals, (ii) metals with ellipsoidal Fermi surfaces, (iii) metals of tetragonal symmetry whose tensor rhoik(0) is strongly anisotropic. Although polycrystals are metals isotropic in average, in the presence of a uniform magnetic field the structure of EIT is not the same as the structure of the impedance tensor of an isotropic metal with a spherical Fermi surface. The obtained results are exact in the framework of the approximation used when describing single crystal galvanomagnetic characteristics. They cannot be improved neither in powers of H, nor with respect to the anisotropy of single crystal grains.
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I. M. Kaganova "Calculation of effective impedance of polycrystals in weak magnetic fields", Proc. SPIE 5878, Advanced Characterization Techniques for Optics, Semiconductors, and Nanotechnologies II, 58780O (30 August 2005);
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