12 June 2006 Polymer film doped with a solvatochromic dye for humidity measurement
Marju Kleemann, Artur Suisalu, Jaak Kikas
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Proceedings Volume 5946, Optical Materials and Applications; 59460N (2006)
Event: Optical Materials and Applications, 2005, Tartu, Estonia
A humidity sensitive membrane with a good linearity and sensitivity was fabricated. Its moisture sensitivity is based on the hyperchromic effect and the hypsochromic shift in the absorption spectrum of poly(methy1 methacrylate) (PMMA) doped with a solvatochromic Reichardt's betaine dye. A 20-μm-thick self-standing film exhibited a good linearity in the absorbance dependence on the humidity at the wavelength of 667 nm and the humidity level sensitivity to within 0.002%. The membrane had similar reaction rates for the sorption and desorption of moisture without any hysteresis. The conventional dual-mode gas sorption model is applicable to describe water dynamics in glassy PMMA. From the analysis of the temperature dependent sorption data, the activation energy of the diffusion coefficient ΔE = 53 kJ/mol and the enthalpy of the water sorption in PMMA ΔHs = 22 kJ/mol have been estimated.
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Marju Kleemann, Artur Suisalu, and Jaak Kikas "Polymer film doped with a solvatochromic dye for humidity measurement", Proc. SPIE 5946, Optical Materials and Applications, 59460N (12 June 2006); Logo
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