Typical biological samples are inherently complicated. They may contain a myriad of compounds that are electroactive
at the same potential as that used in many electrochemical biosensors. Therefore, a biosensor design feature must be
included that either eliminates or blocks the interferents from generating false positive signals. The ability to use an
insoluble compound, that of MnO2, in order to oxidize interferents such as ascorbic acid, acetaminophen and uric acid,
was investigated in a prototype sensor system at a bias potential of 0.6 V versus Ag/AgCl. Unlike previous work with
these materials, a difference between the ability for the metal oxide to oxidize the interferents was observed. Most
effective was the capability of MnO2 to oxidize uric acid. Alternatively, the MnO2 had little effect on acetaminophen.
The study is both introduced and results are discussed within the context of an implantable glucose sensor.