2 February 2009 Realistic theory of electromagnetically induced transparency and slow light in a hot atomic vapor
R. Ghosh, J. Ghosh, F. Goldfarb, J.-L. Le Gouët, F. Bretenaker
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We present a realistic theoretical treatment of a three-level Λ system in a hot atomic vapor interacting with a coupling and a probe field of arbitrary strengths, leading to electromagnetically-induced transparency and slow light under the two-photon resonance condition. We take into account all the relevant decoherence processes including collisions. Velocity-changing collisions (VCCs) are modeled in the strong collision limit effectively, which helps in achieving optical pumping by the coupling beam across the entire Doppler profile. We take into account a dynamic rate of influx of atoms in the two lower levels of the Λ, and an outflux from all the three levels. The steady-state expressions for the atomic density-matrix elements are numerically evaluated to yield the experimentally measured response characteristics. Our predictions are in excellent agreement with the reported experimental results for 4He*. The role played by the VCC parameter is seen to be distinct from that by the transit time or Raman coherence decay rate.
© (2009) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
R. Ghosh, J. Ghosh, F. Goldfarb, J.-L. Le Gouët, and F. Bretenaker "Realistic theory of electromagnetically induced transparency and slow light in a hot atomic vapor", Proc. SPIE 7226, Advances in Slow and Fast Light II, 72260J (2 February 2009);
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Chemical species

Voltage controlled current source

Doppler effect

Raman spectroscopy

Slow light


Optical pumping


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