30 October 2009 Impact of changes in land cover and land use on thermal environment in Jingjintang urban area
Guang-zhen Cao, Peng Hou, Zhao-jun Zheng, Xian-qiang Mao
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Proceedings Volume 7498, MIPPR 2009: Remote Sensing and GIS Data Processing and Other Applications; 74982R (2009)
Event: Sixth International Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 2009, Yichang, China
In order to analyze the changes of underlay features in the urbanization process and their impact on characteristics of spatial distribution of LST in Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan (Jingjintang) metropolitan region, MODIS LST Product and SPOT VGT NDVI Product are collected and their statistical features are calculated, then LST, Land cover/use (LULC) and their relationship are studied in detail. The main conclusions drawn from this research are as following: (1) there is different LST in different land surface with different land cover type. LST in urban and built-up region is maximum, LST in water region is minimum. And there is a negative correlation between NDVI and LST. The higher NDVI value is, the lower LST value is. (2) In Jingjintang region, there is higher NDVI and lower LST in 2006 than 2002, about 38.56% and 18.10% in turn. About in the single city, there are different change values. The change value of LST presents Beijing > Tangshan > Tianjin, (3) Comparison 2006 to 2002, the surface of Jingjintang region is dominated by class with both NDVI and LST increase and the percentage is 41.79%. The percentage of the class with NDVI increase and LST decrease is about 29.23%, 29.9.% and 39.40% in Jingjintang region, Beijing and Tianjin. And that with NDVI decrease and LST increase is about 20.57%, 14.75% and 12.12% in Jingjintang region, Beijing and Tianjin. Tangshan urban region is dominated by the class with NDVI decrease and LST increase, up to 35.54%. On the other hand, the percentage of NDVI increase and LST increase is about 26.36%. The different NDVI and LST change trend shown in different regions may result in their different urbanization level.
© (2009) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Guang-zhen Cao, Peng Hou, Zhao-jun Zheng, and Xian-qiang Mao "Impact of changes in land cover and land use on thermal environment in Jingjintang urban area", Proc. SPIE 7498, MIPPR 2009: Remote Sensing and GIS Data Processing and Other Applications, 74982R (30 October 2009);
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