26 April 2010 Linear high-boost fusion of Stokes vector imagery for effective discrimination and recognition of real targets in the presence of multiple identical decoys
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Recently, the use of imaging polarimetry has received considerable attention for use in automatic target recognition (ATR) applications. In military remote sensing applications, there is a great demand for sensors that are capable of discriminating between real targets and decoys. Accurate discrimination of decoys from real targets is a challenging task and often requires the fusion of various sensor modalities that operate simultaneously. In this paper, we use a simple linear fusion technique known as the high-boost fusion method for effective discrimination of real targets in the presence of multiple decoys. The HBF assigns more weight to the polarization-based imagery in forming the final fused image that is used for detection. We have captured both intensity and polarization-based imagery from an experimental laboratory arrangement containing a mixture of sand/dirt, rocks, vegetation, and other objects for the purpose of simulating scenery that would be acquired in a remote sensing military application. A target object and three decoys that are identical in physical appearance (shape, surface structure and color) and different in material composition have also been placed in the scene. We use the wavelet-filter joint transform correlation (WFJTC) technique to perform detection between input scenery and the target object. Our results show that use of the HBF method increases the correlation performance metrics associated with the WFJTC-based detection process when compared to using either the traditional intensity or polarization-based images.
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Aed El-Saba and Wesam A. Sakla "Linear high-boost fusion of Stokes vector imagery for effective discrimination and recognition of real targets in the presence of multiple identical decoys", Proc. SPIE 7672, Polarization: Measurement, Analysis, and Remote Sensing IX, 767202 (26 April 2010);
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Image fusion

Target detection


Target recognition



Fourier transforms

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