11 November 2010 High-resolution dynamic three-dimensional profilomety based on a combination of stereovision and color-encoded digital fringe projection
Dong Li, Jindong Tian
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A high-resolution, dynamic Three-dimensional (3-D) profilometry based on the combined stereovision and color-encoded digital fringe projection is proposed. In this technique, a sinusoidal fringe pattern is encoded with spatial neighborhood strategy based on De Bruijn sequences. A decoding algorithm for the color pattern is presented. The absolute phase value is retrieved by space method based on locally intensity variety, and unwrapped by dividing the periods based on the intensity peak and the corresponding color information. Therefore, only a single color image is needed to realize the unique code in pixel dimension, which meets the demand of high-resolution, real-time 3D shape measurement. That means this technique could realize pixel-level resolution and measure disconnected objects. Since the phase value at each pixel is only used to assist stereo matching, the 3-D reconstruction could be realtime, and the accuracy is also enhanced. A measurement system consisted of one projector and two cameras is developed. Experimental results are presented to show the feasibility of the proposed method.
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Dong Li and Jindong Tian "High-resolution dynamic three-dimensional profilomety based on a combination of stereovision and color-encoded digital fringe projection", Proc. SPIE 7855, Optical Metrology and Inspection for Industrial Applications, 78550J (11 November 2010); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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3D metrology


Fringe analysis

Projection systems

3D modeling

3D image processing

Imaging systems

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