15 September 2011 Fusing ASTER data and MODIS LAI product to generate high spatial and temporal resolution LAI data in Heihe River Basin
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Based on the Aster LAI estimation, the main object of this paper is to generate the high spatial and high temporal resolution LAI product. One method is proposed to get high spatial and temporal resolution LAI product by fusing MODIS LAI product and Aster LAI. In this method, the LULC data is used to register with MODIS data, then the percentage of classes of PFT classification in the MODIS pixel can be calculated. And the multi-year mean MODIS LAI values are the background data, the Aster LAI is used to adjust this curve of multi-year mean MODIS LAI. And we validate LAI with high spatial and high temporal resolution using the measured data that is not to be used as the training data. The results is good and can meet our study needs.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jinling Song, Jindi Wang, Wenwen Cai, and Jingyi Jiang "Fusing ASTER data and MODIS LAI product to generate high spatial and temporal resolution LAI data in Heihe River Basin", Proc. SPIE 8156, Remote Sensing and Modeling of Ecosystems for Sustainability VIII, 81560Q (15 September 2011);
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Temporal resolution

Remote sensing

Spatial resolution



Statistical analysis

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