9 September 2011 Hyperspectral measurement of the scattering of polarized light by skin
Andrey S. Alenin, Lynne Morrison, Clara Curiel, J. Scott Tyo
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The goal of this study is to develop a spectropolarimeter for purposes of assessing polarization signatures in skin scattering on a regional scale. Prior research has that certain skin lesions have identifiable polarization signatures;1-3 however, those studies were limited to single lesion evaluation and are not convenient for screening patients with many suspicious legions. As a precursor to the future instrument, a simple actively illuminated Stokes spectropolarimeter was constructed to gather preliminary data about expected signatures and the required performance (resolution, wavelength, polarization state, etc.). This spectropolarimeter consists of a rotating retarder and a hyperspectral camera4 that scans through wavelengths by means of a Liquid Crystal Tunable Filter (LCTF). Data is captured in a serial fashion, where LCTF scans through eight wavelengths at each of the four retarder orientations. With a single acquisition taking 23 seconds to complete, it makes the issue of image registration very important. After proper alignment, the acquired images reveal that wavelength-dependent polarization signatures exist on a regional scale. In particular, it was found that polarization factors such as Degree of Linear Polarization (DoLP) tend to suppress many uninteresting skin features like wrinkles and skin texture, while capturing information that is not necessarily apparent in the intensity image.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Andrey S. Alenin, Lynne Morrison, Clara Curiel, and J. Scott Tyo "Hyperspectral measurement of the scattering of polarized light by skin", Proc. SPIE 8160, Polarization Science and Remote Sensing V, 816014 (9 September 2011); Logo
Cited by 8 scholarly publications.
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Wave plates

Image registration

Light scattering


Image fusion


Proceedings of SPIE (October 25 1999)
Polarization of scattered light in biological tissue
Proceedings of SPIE (October 11 2011)
Polarization scattering from a Spectralon calibration sample
Proceedings of SPIE (September 13 2007)
Polarization BRDF
Proceedings of SPIE (October 07 1994)

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