3 March 2012 Compensation of nonlinear distortions in photon-counting spectral CT: deadtime loss, spectral response, and beam hardening effects
J. Cammin, S. Srivastava, Q. Tang, W. C. Barber, J. S. Iwanczyk, N. E. Hartsough, K. Taguchi
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Photon counting detectors are an emerging technology for spectral computed tomography. They have the potential to improve tissue contrast and specificity, reduce dose, and enable novel applications for K-edge and functional imaging. In this presentation various non-linear distortions were investigated that affect the image quality in photon-counting spectral CT: deadtime losses and spectral response, inherent to the new technology, and beam hardening artifacts that stem from the use of a polychromatic x-ray source. These effects were corrected or compensated for by performing calibration measurements. Techniques from material decomposition were applied to reconstruct images at a desired energy. Two methods were compared to synthesize a single monoenergetic image from photon counting data with multiple energy bins. The parameters were optimized to maximize a given image quality index. The procedures were evaluated on phantom data acquired on an experimental CT scanner with photon-counting detectors with two energy thresholds.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
J. Cammin, S. Srivastava, Q. Tang, W. C. Barber, J. S. Iwanczyk, N. E. Hartsough, and K. Taguchi "Compensation of nonlinear distortions in photon-counting spectral CT: deadtime loss, spectral response, and beam hardening effects", Proc. SPIE 8313, Medical Imaging 2012: Physics of Medical Imaging, 83131T (3 March 2012); Logo
Cited by 6 scholarly publications and 4 patents.
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Photon counting


X-ray computed tomography

Data modeling

Data corrections

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