4 May 2012 Phase space optics: an engineering tool for illumination design
Alois M. Herkommer, Denise Rausch
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For imaging design aberration theory provides solid ground for the layout and development of optical systems. Together with general design rules it will guide the optical engineer towards a valid starting point for his system. Illumination design is quite different: Often first system layouts are based on experience, rather than on a systematic approach. In addition radiometric nomenclature and definitions can be quite confusing, due to the variety of radiant performance definitions. Also at a later stage in the design, the performance evaluation usually requires extensive statistical raytracing, in order to confirm the specified energetic quantities. In general it would therefore be helpful for illumination designers, especially beginners, to have an engineering tool, which allows a fast, systematic and illustrative access to illumination design problems. We show that phase space methods can provide such a tool and moreover allow a consistent approach to radiometry. Simple illustrative methods can be used to layout and understand even complex illumination components like integrator rods and optical arrays.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Alois M. Herkommer and Denise Rausch "Phase space optics: an engineering tool for illumination design", Proc. SPIE 8429, Optical Modelling and Design II, 84290C (4 May 2012);
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