15 October 2012 Maximum a-posteriori LADAR Image estimation in the presence of scintillation and speckle noise
David C. Dayton, Rudolph Nolasco, John-Paul Sena, Michael Myers, Gregory Fertig, Jeremy Oliver
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Laser aided detection and ranging (LADAR) imaging systems are usually corrupted by several pathologic noises. Speckle noise is due to the coherent nature of the laser illuminator. Scintillation noise is introduced by atmospheric turbulence over the outgoing illumination path and manifests itself as a multiplicative noise in the imagery. These noises can be mitigated by a simple recursive averaging algorithm when looking at fixed targets in staring mode. However if the target under observation is moving with respect to the imaging platform, the averaging will cause the target image to smear. In such a case, a maximum a-posteriori (MAP) approach can be used to estimate localized statistics of the scene under observation as well as the scintillation. The parameter estimates can then be incorporated into a spatially and temporally adaptive averaging approach which mitigates the noise while at the same time preserving motion in the scene.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
David C. Dayton, Rudolph Nolasco, John-Paul Sena, Michael Myers, Gregory Fertig, and Jeremy Oliver "Maximum a-posteriori LADAR Image estimation in the presence of scintillation and speckle noise", Proc. SPIE 8520, Unconventional Imaging and Wavefront Sensing 2012, 85200E (15 October 2012);
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Fiber optic illuminators



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