Motion imagery capabilities within the Department of Defense/Intelligence Community (DoD/IC) have advanced
significantly over the last decade, attempting to meet continuously growing data collection, video processing and
analytical demands in operationally challenging environments. The motion imagery tradecraft has evolved accordingly,
enabling teams of analysts to effectively exploit data and generate intelligence reports across multiple phases in
structured Full Motion Video (FMV) Processing Exploitation and Dissemination (PED) cells. Yet now the operational
requirements are drastically changing. The exponential growth in motion imagery data continues, but to this the
community adds multi-INT data, interoperability with existing and emerging systems, expanded data access, nontraditional
users, collaboration, automation, and support for ad hoc configurations beyond the current FMV PED cells.
To break from the legacy system lifecycle, we look towards a technology application and commercial adoption model
course which will meet these future Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) challenges. In this paper, we
explore the application of cutting edge computer vision technology to meet existing FMV PED shortfalls and address
future capability gaps. For example, real-time georegistration services developed from computer-vision-based feature
tracking, multiple-view geometry, and statistical methods allow the fusion of motion imagery with other georeferenced
information sources - providing unparalleled situational awareness. We then describe how these motion imagery
capabilities may be readily deployed in a dynamically integrated analytical environment; employing an extensible
framework, leveraging scalable enterprise-wide infrastructure and following commercial best practices.