25 September 2014 Optical response of large-area aluminum-coated nano-bucket arrays on flexible PET substrates
Donna Hohertz, Yindar Chuo, Badr Omrane, Clint Landrock, Karen L. Kavanagh
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Proceedings Volume 9288, Photonics North 2014; 92880I (2014)
Event: Photonics North 2014, 2014, Montréal, Canada
The high-cost of fabrication of nanohole arrays for extraordinary optical transmission, surface-plasmon-resonance-based sensors, inhibits their widespread commercial adoption. Production typically involves the application of small-area patterning techniques, such as focused-ion-beam milling, and electron-beam lithography onto high-cost gold-coated substrates. Moving to lower-cost manufacturing is a critical step for applications such as the detection of environmental oil-leaks, or water quality assurance. In these applications, the sensitivity requirements are relatively low, and a bio-compatible inert surface, such as gold, is unnecessary. We report on the optical response of aluminum-coated nano-bucket arrays fabricated on flexible polyethylene terephthalate substrates. The arrays are fabricated using an economical roll-to-roll UV-casting process from large sheets of nickel templates generated from master quartz stamps. The nano-featured surface is subsequently coated with 50 nm of thermally-evaporated aluminum. The roll-to-roll production process has a 97% yield over a 600 m roll producing nano-buckets with 240 nm diameters, 300 nm deep, with a 70° taper. When exposed to a series of refractive index standards (glucose solutions), changes in the locations of the resonance transmission peaks result in optical sensitivities as high as 390 ± 20 nm/RIU. The peak transmission is approximately 5% of illumination, well within the sensitivity requirements of most common low-cost detectors.
© (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Donna Hohertz, Yindar Chuo, Badr Omrane, Clint Landrock, and Karen L. Kavanagh "Optical response of large-area aluminum-coated nano-bucket arrays on flexible PET substrates", Proc. SPIE 9288, Photonics North 2014, 92880I (25 September 2014);
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Refractive index

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