26 August 2015 2D and 3D micro-XRF based on polycapillary optics at XLab Frascati
C. Polese, G. Cappuccio, S. B. Dabagov, D. Hampai, A. Liedl, E. Pace
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XRF imaging spectrometry is a powerful tool for materials characterization. A high spatial resolution is often required, in order to appreciate very tiny details of the studied object. With respect to simple pinholes, polycapillary optics allows much more intense fluxes to be achieved. This is fundamental to detect elements in trace and to strongly reduce the global acquisition time that is actually among the main reasons, in addition to radioprotection issues, affecting the competitiveness of XRF imaging with respect to other faster imaging techniques such as multispectral imaging. Unlike other well-known X-ray optics, principally employed for high brilliant radiation source such as synchrotron facilities, polyCO can be efficiently coupled also with conventional X-ray tubes. All these aspects make them the most suitable choice to realize portable, safe and high performing μXRF spectrometers.

In this work preliminary results achieved with a novel 2D and 3D XRF facility, called Rainbow X-Ray (RXR), are reported, with particular attention to the spatial resolution achieved. RXR is based on the confocal arrangement of three polycapillary lenses, one focusing the primary beam and the other two capturing the fluorescence signal. The detection system is split in two couples of lens-detector in order to cover a wider energy range. The entire device is a laboratory user-friendly facility and, though it allows measurements on medium-size objects, its dimensions do not preclude it to be transported for in situ analysis on request, thanks also to a properly shielded cabinet.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
C. Polese, G. Cappuccio, S. B. Dabagov, D. Hampai, A. Liedl, and E. Pace "2D and 3D micro-XRF based on polycapillary optics at XLab Frascati", Proc. SPIE 9588, Advances in X-Ray/EUV Optics and Components X, 95880E (26 August 2015); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Spatial resolution

X-ray optics

Signal detection

Radio optics


Statistical analysis


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