23 September 2015 Image irradiance distribution in the 3MI wide field of view polarimeter
Riccardo Gabrieli, Alessandro Bartoli, Michele Maiorano, Umberto Bruno, Monica Olivieri, Luciano Calamai, Ilias Manolis, Demetrio Labate
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The Multi-Viewing, Multi-Channel, Multi-Polarisation Imager (3MI) is an imaging radiometer for the ESA/Eumetsat MeteOp-SG programme. Based on the heritage of the POLDER/PARASOL instrument, 3MI is designed to collect global observations of the top-of-atmosphere polarised bi-directional reflectance distribution function in 12 spectral bands, by observing the same target from multiple views using a pushbroom scanning concept.

The demanding challenge of the 3MI optical design is represented by the polarisation and image irradiance fall-off (throughput uniformity) requirements. In a generic optical system, the image irradiance fall-off is a function of: target radiance distribution and polarisation, entrance pupil size and optical transmittance variations across the field of view (FOV), distortion and vignetting. In most applications these aspects can be considered as independent; however, when high image irradiance uniformity is required, they have to be considered as linked together. This is particularly true in case of a wide FOV polarimeter as 3MI is.

In order to properly account for these aspects, an irradiance fall-off analytical model has been developed in the frame of 3MI Optics Pre-Development (OPD), whose aim is to mitigate any technological risks associated with the 3MI instrument development. It is shown how it is possible to control the image irradiance distribution acting on optical design parameters (e.g. distortion and entrance pupil size variation with FOV). Moreover, the impact of polarisation performances on irradiance fall-off is discussed.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Riccardo Gabrieli, Alessandro Bartoli, Michele Maiorano, Umberto Bruno, Monica Olivieri, Luciano Calamai, Ilias Manolis, and Demetrio Labate "Image irradiance distribution in the 3MI wide field of view polarimeter", Proc. SPIE 9626, Optical Systems Design 2015: Optical Design and Engineering VI, 962629 (23 September 2015);
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