This PDF file contains the front matter associated with SPIE Proceedings Volume 9840, including the Title Page, Copyright information, Table of Contents, and Conference Committee listing.

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Please use the following format to cite material from these proceedings:

Author(s), “Title of Paper,” in Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XXII, edited by Miguel Velez-Reyes, David W. Messinger, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9840 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2016) Six-digit Article CID Number.

ISSN: 0277-786X

ISSN: 1996-756X (electronic)

ISBN: 9781510600812

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Numbers in the index correspond to the last two digits of the six-digit citation identifier (CID) article numbering system used in Proceedings of SPIE. The first four digits reflect the volume number. Base 36 numbering is employed for the last two digits and indicates the order of articles within the volume. Numbers start with 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 0A, 0B...0Z, followed by 10-1Z, 20-2Z, etc.

Ackleson, Steven G., 1I

Adler-Golden, Steven, 0P, 0R

Angoth, Vivek, 1V

Arguello, Henry, 1J, 23

Arias, Fernando X., 05

Arzuaga, Emmanuel, 05

Ash, Joshua N., 1O

Autran, Wesley, 0D

Bachmann, Charles M., 0J, 1D, 1I, 1K

Beiswenger, Toya N., 0I

Berkson, Emily E., 0V

Beveridge, J. Ross, 1N

Blake, Thomas A., 0I

Borel, Christoph, 0Q

Brauer, Carolyn S., 0I

Brinkmann, Jake, 29

Brown, Scott D., 1H, 24

Cahill, Nathan D., 0Y, 1K

Cain, L., 0R

Castillo, Sergio, 23

Chenault, David B., 1S

Claus, Ryan, 1V

Cocola, L., 1G

Cone, Shelli R., 25

Coudrain, Christophe, 1T

Craven, J., 0H

Crouse, David T., 0A

Datta, Urmila, 1U

DeCoster, Mallory E., 25, 27

Dill, Jeffrey C., 26

Doctor, Katarina Z., 1I

Dong, Guihua, 2A

Dorado-Munoz, Leidy P., 0Y, 12

Dorrance, J. K., 0H

Doster, Timothy, 15, 16

Draper, Bruce, 1N

Du, Qian, 21

Dube, Roger R., 0E, 0X

Engel, David W., 0N

Ertel, Alyssa B., 0I

Espitia, Óscar, 23

Fan, Lei, 04

Faulring, Jason W., 0J

Fedel, M., 1G

Ferrec, Yann, 1T

Finlayson, Graham D., 09

Firpi, Alex H., 25

Fuerschbach, K. H., 0H

Fusina, Robert A., 1I

Gault, Travis R., 27

Gélvez, Tatiana C., 1J

Gibbs, Timothy J., 0L

Gibney, Mark, 1P

Gillis, David B., 1B

Golowich, Steven, 1M

Goodenough, Adam A., 1H, 24

Graff, David L., 0N

Gray, Deric J., 1I

Guérineau, Nicolas, 1T

Haavardsholm, Trym, 1U

Haelterman, R., 0O

Harms, Justin D., 0J

Hayes, Alex E., 09

He, Lihuan, 2A

Hong, Liang, 2A

Houser, Paul R., 1I

Huang, L., 1E

Hyatt, Brian, 1S

Ientilucci, Emmett, 0R, 0W, 1D

Ishimaru, Ichiro, 28

Jacobs, Samantha K., 25

Jansen, Melissa E., 27

Jansing, E. David, 27

Jin, Xuemin, 0P

Johnson, Juan E., 1K

Johnson, Timothy J., 0I

Kaufman, Jason R., 0Z, 26

Kelbe, Dave, 1H

Kerekes, John P., 1R

Kim, Heekang, 1Z

Kim, Sungho, 1Z

Kirby, Michael, 1N

Kling, Emmanuel, 1T

Knyaz, Vladimir A., 22

Krafcik, K. L., 0H

Krishnamurthy, Ramnarayan, 1V

Kulp, Thomas J., 0H, 0M, 0N

LaCasse IV, C. F., 0H

Lambrakos, S. G., 1E

Lanker, Cory L., 0I, 0U

Laraby, Kelly G., 0C

Leija, Omar Navarro, 11

Le Moigne, Jacqueline, 11

Less, David, 0P

Li, Jiaojiao, 1W, 21

Li, Wei, 21

Li, Yongjun, 1W

Li, Yunsong, 1W, 21

Link, Daniel, 29

Liu, Weijia, 1W

Lo, Edisanter, 0W

Lodewyckx, P., 0O

Mani, Karthikeyan, 1V

Manolakis, Dimitris, 1M

Marrinan, Timothy, 1N

Massa, L., 1E

Mathew, Jobin J., 0E, 0X

Mehrubeoglu, Mehrube, 0D

Meola, Joseph, 0Z, 1O

Messinger, David W., 04, 0E, 0L, 0V, 0X, 0Y, 12

Mills, B. E., 0H

Mock, Kenrick, 1V

Montagna, Roberto, 09

Montes, Marcos J., 1I

Muratov, L., 0R

Murphy, James M., 11

Myers, Tanya L., 0I

Ogawa, Satoru, 28

Olson, Colin C., 15, 16

Opsahl, Thomas, 1U

Orlebeck, Keith, 0D

Parente, Mario, 1D

Pathak, Avijit, 03

Perkins, T., 0R

Perry, David L., 0Z

Peterson, Chris, 1N

Pezzaniti, J. Larry, 1S

Pola Fossi, Armande, 1T

Poletto, L., 1G

Powell, John H., 1Q

Rankin, Blake M., 0Z

Raqueno, Nina, 0C

Reichardt, Thomas A., 0H, 0M, 0N

Rengarajan, Rajagopalan, 1F

Resmini, Ronald G., 1Q

Richtsmeier, Steven, 1D

Roche, Michael, 1S

Rodriguez, Benjamin M., 25, 27

Romanczyk, Paul, 1H

Romano, Joao, 0Q

Rosario, Dalton, 0Q

Roux, Nicolas, 1T

Rueda, Hoover F., 1J

Ruiz Torres, Andres J., 0J

Rynes, Peter, 0P

Saito, Tsubasa, 28

Schott, John R., 0C, 1F

Shabaev, A., 1E

Shimoni, M., 0O

Sierra, Heidy, 05

Siewert, Sam, 1V

Singh, Surjith B., 1V

Skaugen, Atle, 1U

Skauli, Torbjørn, 1U

Smith, Milton O., 0I, 0U

Sommers, R. L., 0H

Song, Juan, 1W

Spence, Clay D., 1A

Srivistava, Saurav, 1V

Su, Yin-Fong, 0I

Sundberg, R., 0R

Svejkosky, Joseph, 1D

Szecsody, James E., 0I

Taşkin, Gülşen, 17

Theiler, James, 0T

Thompson, Sandra E., 0N

Tiwari, K. C., 03

Tondello, G., 1G

Tonkyn, Russell G., 0I

Torkildsen, Hans Erling, 1U

Truslow, Eric, 1M

Tzeng, Nigel H., 25

van Aardt, Jan, 1H, 1R, 24

van Leeuwen, Martin, 1H

Vis, Matthew Demi, 1V

Vishnyakov, Boris V., 22

Vizilter, Yury V., 22

Vongsy, Karmon M., 26

Vygolov, Oleg V., 22

Wagner, Chris, 1V

Wang, Mingming, 1H, 24

Wang, Weimin, 2A

Wang, Zhipeng, 29

Williams, McKay D., 1R

Xiong, Xiaoxiong, 29

Yamamoto, Naoyuki, 28

Yang, Jie, 0E, 0X

Yang, Lijun, 2A

Yao, Wei, 1H, 24

Zare, Alina, 0S

Zemlan, Michael J., 0D

Zhang, Xuewen, 0Y

Zheltov, Sergey Y., 22

Ziemann, Amanda K., 0T

Zou, Sheng, 0S

Conference Committee

Symposium Chair

  • David A. Logan, BAE Systems (United States)

Symposium Co-chair

  • Donald A. Reago Jr., U.S. Army Night Vision & Electronic Sensors Directorate (United States)

Conference Chairs

  • Miguel Velez-Reyes, The University of Texas at El Paso (United States)

    David W. Messinger, Rochester Institute of Technology (United States)

Conference Program Committee

  • Wojciech Czaja, University of Maryland, College Park (United States)

    Eustace L. Dereniak, College of Optical Sciences, The University of Arizona (United States)

    Michael T. Eismann, Air Force Research Laboratory (United States)

    Jacqueline J. Le Moigne, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (United States)

    Dalton S. Rosario, U.S. Army Research Laboratory (United States)

    Alan P. Schaum, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (United States)

    James Theiler, Los Alamos National Laboratory (United States)

    Grady Tuell, Georgia Tech Research Institute (United States)

Session Chairs

  • 1 Classification

    Miguel Velez-Reyes, The University of Texas at El Paso (United States)

  • 2 Sensor Characterization

    Emmanuel Arzuaga, Universidad de Puerto Rico Mayagüez (United States)

  • 3 Applications

    Dalton S. Rosario, U.S. Army Research Laboratory (United States)

  • 4 Invited Session: Solid Target Variability I

    James P. Theiler, Los Alamos National Laboratory (United States)

    Amanda K. Ziemann, Los Alamos National Laboratory (United States)

  • 5 Invited Session: Solid Target Variability II

    James P. Theiler, Los Alamos National Laboratory (United States)

    Amanda K. Ziemann, Los Alamos National Laboratory (United States)

  • 6 Target Detection

    John P. Kerekes, Rochester Institute of Technology (United States)

  • 7 Invited Session: Novel Mathematically Inspired Methods of Processing Hyperspectral Imagery

    Wojciech Czaja, University of Maryland, College Park (United States)

    Jacqueline J. Le Moigne, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (United States)

  • 8 Spectral Signature Modeling, Measurements, and Applications

    Emmett J. Ientilucci, Rochester Institute of Technology (United States)

  • 9 Dimensionality Reduction

    Wojciech Czaja, University of Maryland, College Park (United States)

  • 10 Spectral Characterization, Detection, and Identification

    Grady H. Tuell, Georgia Tech Research Institute (United States)

  • 11 Sensor Design and Development

    David W. Messinger, Rochester Institute of Technology (United States)


This year marks the twenty second edition of the SPIE conference, Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery. This conference continues to be one of the most important forums for our community since 1994. The proceeding contains more than 60 papers presented at the conference.

This year the conference included 71 presentations organized into 11 oral sessions and one poster session over three and a half days. We also had two invited sessions. The first was, “Novel Mathematically Inspired Methods of Processing Hyperspectral Imagery” organized by Professor Wojciech Czaja, University of Maryland, College Park, and Dr. Jacqueline J. Le Moigne, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center with 10 presentations. This is the second year of this effort highlighting novel approaches to the analysis of hyperspectral imagery. The second invited session was, “Solid Target Variability I and II” organized by Dr. James P. Theiler and Dr. Amanda K. Ziemann, from Los Alamos National Laboratory, with 15 presentations highlighting work primarily supported by the National Nuclear Security Administration. Our deep thanks to the organizers and the invited presenters for this outstanding effort.

We are looking forward to the 23rd year of the conference in Anaheim, California in 2017.

Miguel Velez-Reyes, Ph.D.

David Messinger, Ph.D.

© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
"Front Matter: Volume 9840", Proc. SPIE 9840, Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XXII, 984001 (28 June 2016); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2246512
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