13 March 2024 In-band pumped CW and SESAM mode-locked Tm,Ho,Lu:CALGO laser
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We investigated in-band pumping of Tm,Ho,Lu:CaGdAlO4 (CALGO) using a Raman shifted Er-fiber laser (1678 nm) in the continuous-wave (CW) and mode-locked (ML) regimes. The 6-mm long, antireflection-coated, a-cut CALGO was doped with 4.48at.% Tm (sensitizer), 0.54at.% Ho (emission) and 5.51at.% Lu (compositional disorder). For mode-locking we employed a GaSb SESAM and chirped mirrors (round-trip group-delay dispersion: -1250 fs2). Pumping with 5.5 W (unpolarized), the average output power (0.2% output coupler) was 148 mW at ⁓96 MHz. The spectrum was centered at 2071.5 nm with a FWHM of 21.5 nm (sigma-polarization) and the pulse duration was 218 fs (time-bandwidth product: 0.327).
Conference Presentation
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Huang-Jun Zeng, Wen-Ze Xue, Robert T. Murray, Weidong Chen, Zhongben Pan, Li Wang, Chen Cui, Pavel Loiko, Xavier Mateos, Uwe Griebner, and Valentin Petrov "In-band pumped CW and SESAM mode-locked Tm,Ho,Lu:CALGO laser", Proc. SPIE PC12864, Solid State Lasers XXXIII: Technology and Devices, PC1286409 (13 March 2024);
Continuous wave operation

Mode locking




Output couplers

Raman spectroscopy


Passively mode-locked quasi-continuously pumped Yb:YAG laser
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LD pumped SESAM mode-locked Tm: CaGdAlO4 laser
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