A protocol for quantum key distribution (QKD) using continuous variables (CV), not relying on a shared phase reference, is proposed. The protocol is based on a single-quadrature encoding of the key bits using coherent states (the unidimensional CV QKD) and subsequent alignment of the measurement bases, conditioned on the variance minimization in the unmodulated quadrature. The protocol allows to circumvent the numerous known hacking attacks on the shared phase reference (local oscillator), at the same time not relying on the pilot tones for phase locking with the “local” local oscillator in the receiver station. Sufficiently high repetition rates and long coherence times are required to accumulate reliable statistics for the bases alignment but should be feasible with the current technology. Stability of the protocol against residual Gaussian-distributed phase noise is analysed to confirm its feasibility. The protocol paves the way to low-cost, efficient, and secure realizations of CV QKD.