4 October 2024 Photonic quantum extreme reservoir computation
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Quantum circuits based on single photons and linear optical elements (PhQC) are an ideal candidate to enable quantum information processing at room temperature. Although PhQC cannot achieve universality without post-selection, boson sampling (a well-known sampling problem) has a non-trivial computational complexity related to #P-hard. The key question now is how to utilize that complexity for practical problems? Here we present a new hybrid quantum / classical neural network model for image reorganization that achieves a 96.6% testing accuracy only 4 photons and 16 modes without PhQC optimization. We also show it outperforms the situation where coherent light sources are used.
Conference Presentation
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Kae Nemoto, Akitada Sakurai, Aoi Hayashi, and William Munro "Photonic quantum extreme reservoir computation", Proc. SPIE PC13148, Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging XXII, PC1314807 (4 October 2024);
Quantum computing

Optical computing


Quantum numbers

Quantum circuits

Quantum sampling

Quantum information processing

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