Open Access
1 May 2005 Application of microscopic Förster resonance energy transfer to cytological diagnosis of the thyroid tumors
Shin-ichi Murata, Petr Herman, Masanori Iwashina, Kunio Mochizuki, Tadao Nakazawa, Tetsuo Kondo, Nobuki Nakamura, Joseph R. Lakowicz, Ryohei Katoh
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We propose a novel application of microscopic Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) to clinical cytological diagnosis based on sensitive measurements of distance changes between fluorescently labeled deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA) molecules. We have employed the microscopic FRET imaging for investigation of six papillary carcinomas and eight benign cases. In each case the FRET images of 20 cells stained by the AT-specific donor Hoechst 33258 and the GC-specific acceptor 7-aminoactinomycin D were acquired and analyzed by texture analysis. We have not found significant difference of the mean FRET efficiency between the benign and malignant groups. On the other hand, the texture analysis revealed a significant difference of the intranuclear spatial distribution of FRET efficiencies between the benign and malignant groups. The results indicate that despite the similar average distance between the AT- and the GC-rich DNA segments in the papillary carcinomas and the benign cases, the former has more heterogeneous distribution of the AT- and the GC-rich DNA segments in nuclei compared to the benign groups. We have demonstrated that the FRET imaging is a helpful tool for the medical cytological diagnosis of human tumors by giving information on the chromatin topology on the scale below the resolution of conventional optical microscopes.
©(2005) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Shin-ichi Murata, Petr Herman, Masanori Iwashina, Kunio Mochizuki, Tadao Nakazawa, Tetsuo Kondo, Nobuki Nakamura, Joseph R. Lakowicz, and Ryohei Katoh "Application of microscopic Förster resonance energy transfer to cytological diagnosis of the thyroid tumors," Journal of Biomedical Optics 10(3), 034008 (1 May 2005).
Published: 1 May 2005 Logo
Cited by 7 scholarly publications.
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Fluorescence resonance energy transfer



Image filtering

Electronic filtering

Distance measurement

Image segmentation

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