Open Access
18 November 2013 Two-dimensional spatiotemporal monitoring of temperature in photothermal therapy using hybrid photoacoustic–ultrasound transmission tomography
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Recently, we presented an add-on to a photoacoustic (PA) computed tomography imager that permits the simultaneous imaging of ultrasound (US) transmission parameters such as the speed of sound (SOS), without additional measurements or instruments. This method uses strong absorbers positioned outside the object in the path of light for producing laser-induced US to interrogate the object in a conventional PA imager. Here, we investigate the feasibility of using this approach, first with PA to pin-point the location of photothermal therapeutic agents and then with serial SOS tomograms to image and monitor the resulting local temperature changes when the agents are excited with continuous wave (CW) light. As the object we used an agar-based tissue-mimicking cylinder carrying beads embedded with different concentrations of gold nanospheres. PA and SOS tomograms were simultaneously acquired as the gold nanospheres were photothermally heated using a 532-nm CW laser. In a first approximation, using the relation between SOS of water and temperature, the SOS tomograms were converted into temperature maps. The experimental results were verified using simulations: Monte Carlo modeling of light propagation through a turbid medium and using the obtained absorbed energy densities in heat diffusion modeling for spatial temperature distribution.
CC BY: © The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI.
Khalid Daoudi, Peter Van Es, Srirang Manohar, and Wiendelt Steenbergen "Two-dimensional spatiotemporal monitoring of temperature in photothermal therapy using hybrid photoacoustic–ultrasound transmission tomography," Journal of Biomedical Optics 18(11), 116009 (18 November 2013).
Published: 18 November 2013 Logo
Cited by 8 scholarly publications.
Passive elements

Monte Carlo methods


Photoacoustic spectroscopy

Signal detection

Biomedical optics

Continuous wave operation

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