Open Access
31 January 2023 Cerebral tissue oxygenation response to brain irradiation measured during clinical radiotherapy
Teemu S. Myllylä, Vesa Korhonen, Priya Karthikeyan, Ulriika Honka, Jesse Lohela, Kalle Inget, Hany Ferdinando, Sakari S. Karhula, Juha Nikkinen
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Cancer therapy treatments produce extensive changes in the physiological and morphological properties of tissues, which are also individual dependent. Currently, a key challenge involves developing more tailored cancer therapy, and consequently, individual biological response measurement during therapy, such as tumor hypoxia, is of high interest. This is the first time human cerebral haemodynamics and cerebral tissue oxygenation index (TOI) changes were measured during the irradiation in clinical radiotherapy and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) technique was demonstrated as a feasible technique for clinical use in radiotherapy, based on 34 online patient measurements.


Our aim is to develop predictive biomarkers and noninvasive real-time methods to establish the effect of radiotherapy during treatment as well as to optimize radiotherapy dose planning for individual patients. In particular, fNIRS-based technique could offer an effective and clinically feasible online technique for continuous monitoring of brain tissue hypoxia and responses to chemo- and radiotherapy, which involves modulating tumor oxygenation to increase or decrease tumor hypoxia. We aim to show that fNIRS is feasible for repeatability measuring in patient radiotherapy, the temporal alterations of tissue oxygenation induced by radiation.


Fiber optics setup using multiwavelength fNIRS was built and combined with a medical linear accelerator to measure cerebral tissue oxygenation changes during the whole-brain radiotherapy treatment, where the radiation dose is given in whole brain area only preventing dosage to eyes. Correlation of temporal alterations in cerebral haemodynamics and TOI response to brain irradiation was quantified.


Online fNIRS patient measurement of cerebral haemodynamics during clinical brain radiotherapy is feasible in clinical environment, and results based on 34 patient measurements show strong temporal alterations in cerebral haemodynamics and decrease in TOI during brain irradiation and confirmed the repeatability. Our proof-of-concept study shows evidently that irradiation causes characteristic immediate changes in brain tissue oxygenation.


In particular, TOI seems to be a sensitive parameter to observe the tissue effects of radiotherapy. Monitoring the real-time interactions between the subjected radiation dose and corresponding haemodynamic effects may provide important tool for the researchers and clinicians in the field of radiotherapy. Eventually, presented fNIRS technique could be used for improving dose planning and safety control for individual patients.

CC BY: © The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI.
Teemu S. Myllylä, Vesa Korhonen, Priya Karthikeyan, Ulriika Honka, Jesse Lohela, Kalle Inget, Hany Ferdinando, Sakari S. Karhula, and Juha Nikkinen "Cerebral tissue oxygenation response to brain irradiation measured during clinical radiotherapy," Journal of Biomedical Optics 28(1), 015002 (31 January 2023).
Received: 13 July 2022; Accepted: 1 December 2022; Published: 31 January 2023 Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.



Brain tissue




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