Journal of Electronic Imaging

Editor-in-Chief: Zeev Zalevsky, Bar-Ilan University, Israel

The Journal of Electronic Imaging, copublished by IS&T and SPIE, publishes papers in all technology areas that make up the field of electronic imaging and are normally considered in the design, engineering, and applications of electronic imaging systems.

On the cover: The figure is from "Multi-view stereo of an object immersed in a refractive medium" by Robin Bruneau et al. in Vol. 33, Issue 3.

The Journal of Electronic Imaging (JEI), copublished with IS&T, publishes papers in all technology areas that make up the field of electronic imaging and are normally considered in the design, engineering, and applications of electronic imaging systems.

Contributed papers cover the following research areas that apply directly to electronic imaging or focus on applied electronic imaging technology:

  • Adaptive image processing
  • AI algorithms
    • deep learning processing
    • machine learning
  • Computational imaging
  • Electronic imaging applications
    • face and gesture recognition
    • virtual and augmented reality
    • remote sensing
    • biometrics
    • biomedical
    • industrial
    • material inspection
    • under water imaging
  • Explainability of deep learning methods
  • Fractal graphics energy efficiency
  • HDR imaging
  • Human vision based computational models
  • Image acquisition, display, and print
  • Image and video data communication and storage
  • Image and video processing and analysis
    • image and video compression
    • image and video quality estimation
    • image and video restoration
    • image classification and clustering
    • image segmentation
    • noise reduction, denoising algorithms
    • super resolution
    • pattern analysis and recognition
  • Image data hiding
  • Image forensics
  • Image fusion
  • Image steganography
  • Image visualization
  • Image watermarking
  • Information hiding, steganography
  • Irregular pyramids
  • Mathematical morphology
  • Multimedia and imaging security
  • Multimedia and multimodal analysis
  • Multimodal analysis
  • Multispectral and hyperspectral imaging
  • Nonlinear image processing
  • Optical data processing
  • Perceptual and cognitive issues in imaging
  • Point cloud processing, visualization, and analysis
  • Polarimetric imaging
  • Sensor networks
  • Spectral imaging
  • Stereoscopic, multiview, and 3D imaging
  • Stochastic geometry
  • Topological issues
  • Virtual and augmented reality

Due to the large number of submissions received by JEI, senior and associate editors prescreen all manuscripts for required basic criteria. Paper that fail to meet these criteria will be rejected without review:

  • Out of scope: In particular, papers that are about data processing, but not related to images or advances in imaging, will be rejected.
  • Poor structure, methodology, and presentation: Examples include poor paper structure, low-quality figures, lack of comparisons with SotA, excessive self-citation, and unsound methodology.
  • Poor validation: Examples include poor quality or obscure datasets and marginal comparison of performance.


    About the Journal

    ISSN: 1017-9909
    E-ISSN: 1560-229X
    Copublishers: SPIE and IS&T
    Frequency: Article-at-a-time publication; bimonthly (6 issues/year)
    Year established: 1992
    Format: Online 


    CiteScoreTM 2023:  1.7
    Impact Factor*: 1
    h5-index: 22

    *Source: Journal Impact FactorTM, from Clarivate, 2024

    Abstracting and Indexing

    • Science Citation Index Expanded
    • Current Contents - Engineering, Computing & Technology
    • Inspec
    • Scopus
    • Ei Compendex
    • Astrophysics Data System

    Editorial Office

    Journal of Electronic Imaging 
    P.O. Box 10
    Bellingham, WA 98227-0010 USA
    Tel: +1 360 676 3290
    Fax: +1 360 647 1445


    7003 Kilworth Lane
    Springfield, VA 22151 USA

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