21 July 2016 Color features as an approach for the automated screening of Salmonella strain
Alejandra Serrano Trujillo, Viridiana Contreras González, Saulo E. Andrade Rincón, Luis E. Palafox
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We present the implementation of a feature extraction approach for the automated screening of Salmonella sp., a task visually carried out by a microbiologist, where the resulting color characteristics of the culture media plate indicate the presence of this strain. The screening of Salmonella sp. is based on the inoculation and incubation of a sample on an agar plate, allowing the isolation of this strain, if present. This process uses three media: Xylose lysine deoxycholate, Salmonella Shigella, and Brilliant Green agar plates, which exhibit specific color characteristics over the colonies and over the surrounding medium for a presumed positive interpretation. Under a controlled illumination environment, images of plates are captured and the characteristics found over each agar are processed separately. Each agar is analyzed using statistical descriptors for texture, to determine the presence of colonies, followed by the extraction of color features. A comparison among the color features seen over the three media, according to the FDA Bacteriological Analytical Manual, determines the presence of Salmonella sp. on a given sample. The implemented process proves that the task addressed can be accomplished under an image processing approach, leading to the future validation and automation of additional screening processes.
© 2016 SPIE and IS&T 1017-9909/2016/$25.00 © 2016 SPIE and IS&T
Alejandra Serrano Trujillo, Viridiana Contreras González, Saulo E. Andrade Rincón, and Luis E. Palafox "Color features as an approach for the automated screening of Salmonella strain," Journal of Electronic Imaging 25(6), 061411 (21 July 2016). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JEI.25.6.061411
Published: 21 July 2016
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Image processing

Feature extraction

Statistical analysis



Image analysis

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