1 January 1995 Comparative performance evaluation of various fringe thinning algorithms in photomechanics
Krishnamurthi Ramesh, Rajeev Kumar Singh
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In recent years several algorithms have been reported for automating fringe data collection in photomechanics using the technique of digital image processing (DIP). Recent advances in phase shifting interferometry have offered some hope for full automation of static problems. However, for real-time dynamic studies conventional recording of fringes is a must. Fringe thinning is a very crucial step in extracting data for further processing. The various DIP algorithms for fringe thinning are surveyed and an attempt is made to explain better the mechanism of fringe skeleton extraction by various algorithms. The algorithm of Ramesh and Pramod is improved to extract fringe skeletons from saddle points in the fringe field. A cornparative performance evaluation of these algorithms is discussed with respect to the quality and accuracy of fringe skeleton extracted and the processing time. Performance evaluation is done on a few computer-generated. test images and also on images recorded by the technique of photoelasticity. The improved version of the algorithm of Ramesh and Pramod is found to give better fringe skeletons; it is also the fastest and the processing time is an order of magnitude less than the other algorithms. It is proposed that these computergenerated test images could be used as standard test images for checking the performance of any new fringe thinning algorithm.
Krishnamurthi Ramesh and Rajeev Kumar Singh "Comparative performance evaluation of various fringe thinning algorithms in photomechanics," Journal of Electronic Imaging 4(1), (1 January 1995). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.191333
Published: 1 January 1995
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Fringe analysis

Detection and tracking algorithms

Image processing

Edge detection

Algorithm development


Binary data


Rectangle-shaped object detection in aerial images
Proceedings of SPIE (April 21 1995)
New Method Of Extracting Fringe Curves From Images
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Proceedings of SPIE (August 19 2010)
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