1 October 1998 Image error resilient and video error concealment codes for wavelet compression and noisy channel communication
Harold H. Szu, Duc Hai N. Do
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Video compression strategy consists of a tacit tradeoff of the spatial redundancy, whose spatial singularities are captured efficiently in terms of zero-phase symmetric wavelet transform (WT) subband coefficients, with their temporal redundancy. On the other hand, the redundancy is robust under noisy channel, and furthermore, an over reduction spatially may hurt the temporal correspondence principle yielding a large frame rate reduction. The video error resilient codes are built upon the single frame error resilient codes, which must have known positions partitioned carefully in order to protect against wireless channel errors during transmission of the discrete WT coefficients. These coefficients have been compressed based on the traditional compression scheme using scalar quantization, runlength, and Huffman coding. The discrete WT biorthogonal (7, 9) wavelet is used. The code is illustrated with relatively good performance for (480348038 bits) forward-looking infrared images, compressed at up to 0.09 bits per pixel, and bit error rates at about 1023. Furthermore, in this paper we adopt the single frame error resilient coding and extend to video multiple frames with the help of frame error concealment techniques. An attempt is made to perform decompression error concealment, which is an interpolation from neighborhood in space and time.
Harold H. Szu and Duc Hai N. Do "Image error resilient and video error concealment codes for wavelet compression and noisy channel communication," Journal of Electronic Imaging 7(4), (1 October 1998). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.482664
Published: 1 October 1998
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Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Image compression



Error analysis


Video compression

Computer programming


Entropy measures for controlled coding
Proceedings of SPIE (March 22 1996)
Feature-preserving wavelet scheme for low bit rate coding
Proceedings of SPIE (April 17 1995)
An adaptive wavelet-based deblocking algorithm for MPEG-4 codec
Proceedings of SPIE (September 16 2005)
Embedded wavelet video coding with error concealment
Proceedings of SPIE (April 19 2000)
Wavelet-fractal coding of image sequence
Proceedings of SPIE (September 26 2001)

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