Significance: A growing body of research supports the significant role of cerebrovascular abnormalities in neurological disorders. As these insights develop, standardized tools for unbiased and high-throughput quantification of cerebrovascular structure are needed. Aim: We provide a detailed protocol for performing immunofluorescent labeling of mouse brain vessels, using thin (25 μm) or thick (50 to 150 μm) tissue sections, followed respectively by two- or three-dimensional (2D or 3D) unbiased quantification of vessel density, branching, and tortuosity using digital image processing algorithms. Approach: Mouse brain sections were immunofluorescently labeled using a highly selective antibody raised against mouse Cluster of Differentiation-31 (CD31), and 2D or 3D microscopy images of the mouse brain vasculature were obtained using optical sectioning. An open-source toolbox, called Pyvane, was developed for analyzing the imaged vascular networks. The toolbox can be used to identify the vasculature, generate the medial axes of blood vessels, represent the vascular network as a graph, and calculate relevant measurements regarding vascular morphology. Results: Using Pyvane, vascular parameters such as endothelial network density, number of branching points, and tortuosity are quantified from 2D and 3D immunofluorescence micrographs. Conclusions: The steps described in this protocol are simple to follow and allow for reproducible and unbiased analysis of mouse brain vascular structure. Such a procedure can be applied to the broader field of vascular biology. |
1.IntroductionThe brain, with its elevated energy consumption and limited energy storage, is highly dependent on a steady supply of nutrients carried by blood vessels. In addition to the need for a dense vasculature, the brain also requires a controlled environment providing suitable conditions for healthy neurotransmission. Proper brain maturation, function, and aging are supported by (1) the establishment and maintenance of endothelial networks (neovascularization and angiogenesis) for efficient perfusion, (2) the formation and integrity of the blood–brain barrier to uphold brain homeostasis, and (3) the regulation of cerebral blood flow to match energy demands. The anatomical substrate of these features is known as the neurovascular unit, a multicellular structure in which endothelial cells play critical roles in regulating brain health through structural and functional interactions with neurons, pericytes, astrocytes, and microglia.1–4 Although knowledge on the relationships between blood vessels and neural networks is getting traction, a neurocentric approach to neurological disorders has generally led to limited understanding of cerebrovascular remodeling in brain maturation and diseases. However, growing evidence supports the contribution of endothelial defects to the onset and/or progression of neurological disorders, including, but not limited to, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and autism spectrum disorders.5–11 As such, there is an urgent need to implement open-source and standardized methods for systematic and high-throughput analysis of the cerebrovascular structure in laboratory models. We propose a simple, reliable, and inexpensive protocol aimed at immunostaining mouse brain endothelial networks on fixed tissues, followed by fluorescence of optical sectioning to process two- or three-dimensional (2D or 3D) digital images using computerized methods. This protocol provides a means to unbiasedly quantify important metrics of cerebrovascular structure. 2.Methods2.1.Histology for 2D Vascular Imaging2.1.1.Fixation of brain tissue samples for 2D vascular imagingNote: For this protocol, mice are not perfused, for we found that perfusion, including with fixatives, affects the quality of CD31 immunostaining.
Table 1PBS (50 mM, pH 7.4) 1× buffer.
2.1.2.Cryosectioning for 2D vascular imaging
2.1.3.Endothelium immunostaining on -thick brain sections for 2D vascular imaging (i.e., immunofluorescent staining on slides)Day 1
Table 20.5% PBT buffer.
Table 3Blocking solution.
Note: The serum helps prevent non-specific binding of the secondary antibody. The serum used should correspond to the species of the secondary antibody host. The fish gelatin helps prevent non-specific binding of the primary antibody. Day 2
Table 4PB (0.1 M, pH 7.4) 1× buffer.
2.2.Histology for 3D Vascular ImagingNote: For this protocol mice are not perfused, as we found that perfusion, including with fixatives, affects quality of the CD31 immunostaining. 2.2.1.Fixation of brain tissue samples for 3D vascular imaging
Note: We found that two glass separators are sufficient to flatten small brains from young mice (postnatal day 14) without distorting or damaging cortices. However, the number of glass separators may vary depending on the size of the brain.
Table 5Anti-freeze solution (store at 4°C).
2.2.2.Endothelium immunostaining of thick, free-floating sections for 3D imaging (i.e., from flattened cerebral cortex).Day 1Thick sections (50 to ) are obtained using a vibratome following microdissection of the cerebral cortex (see Fig. 2). Vibratome settings: Speed 4, Frequency 8 to 10 (Leica VT-1000S).
Day 2
Mount sections
2.3.Image Capture of Immunofluorescently Labeled Cortical Vessels from -Thick Mouse Brain Sections for 2D ImagingFor images, immunostained sections were examined using a Zeiss Axio Imager M2 microscope equipped with a digital camera (Axiocam 506 mono) and the Zeiss ApoTome.2 module for optical sectioning. Alternatively, a confocal microscope can be used. For 2D imaging, ×20 objective (Zeiss; Plan-APOCHROMAT; 20x/0.8) was used to acquire -deep -stacks that were subsequently transformed into a maximal intensity projection image. Obtaining -deep -stacks ( steps) allows for accurate quantification of vessels in one anatomical plane (Sec. 3) from maximal intensity projection images (Fig. 3). 2.4.Image Capture of Immunofluorescently Labeled Cortical Vessels from Thick Mouse Brain Sections for 3D ImagingUsing the Zeiss ApoTome with a ×10 magnification objective (Zeiss; Plan-APOCHROMAT; 10x/0.45), 60 to -deep -stacks ( steps) can be acquired from thick sections for 3D reconstruction of brain vascular networks. With a confocal microscope, 90 to -stacks can be obtained. The three major subdivisions of the cerebral cortex (anterior, parietal, and occipital) can be imaged from the tangential sections [Fig. 4(a)]. By increasing exposure or brightness, it is possible to identify layer IV of the primary somatosensory barrel cortex from autofluorescence background in one of the serial sections [Fig. 4(b)]. Alternatively, vesicular glutamate transporter-2 (VGLUT2) immunostaining can be performed to image barrels. This specific cortical area can be used as a landmark to identify other cortical layers [Fig. 4(a)] and other important cortical regions [Fig. 4(c)], as previously described.13 3.Image Analysis and QuantificationsIn the following sections, we describe automated procedures for characterizing digital vascular images using computerized methods. The general procedure involves four main steps: (1) the segmentation of the vascular network; (2) the identification of the skeleton of the blood vessels; (3) the definition of an appropriate representation of the vascular network, and (4) the calculation of relevant properties for characterizing the vasculature. The code implementing the described steps is available as a Python package called Pyvane and is available at In Pyvane, each of the aforementioned steps is implemented as a processor that can be freely changed using a custom code. The package also provides a set of default processors containing implemented algorithms that can be readily used. The default processors serve as a baseline protocol for analyzing vasculature networks. An illustration of the pipeline and the implemented algorithms is shown in Fig. 5. Many recent approaches have been developed for segmenting and analyzing large blood vessel datasets.14–19 Such methodologies show excellent results even for large 3D volumes containing whole brain data. Still, there are two main advantages of Pyvane compared with the other methodologies. The first is that the default processors of Pyvane have been shown to provide good results for hundreds of images obtained from many different animals in previously published works.5,13,20–22 This contrasts with the recently developed approaches, which tested the algorithms on only three,16 five,14 nine,19 and fifteen15 microscopy images. Thus, it is expected that Pyvane can be easily adapted to new datasets. The second advantage is that, because the four main steps for processing blood vessel images have been built as modular processors, each of them can be easily adapted to new algorithms. For instance, the segmentation algorithm used in the segmentation processor can be readily changed to a convolutional neural network. This is also different from other approaches, which are usually distributed as a monolithic software to be used without changes. 3.1.Segmentation of the Vascular NetworkFor detecting the vascular network, we assume that blood vessels have a larger intensity than the background, that is, they are bright and the background is dark. We also assume that the image only contains blood vessels. First, a Gaussian smoothing filter with a standard deviation of is applied. Typically, . The smoothing is used for removing very high frequency variations in the image due to shot noise. Next, for 2D images, an adaptive thresholding operation is applied as follows. For each pixel in the image, a weighted average intensity, , of pixels around pixel is calculated. The weights are given by a Gaussian function centered on the pixel and having a standard deviation of . The pixel is then classified according to the equation expressed as where is the intensity of pixel in the original image, is the respective intensity after the thresholding operation, and is a threshold value that is typically 2 or 3. This operation amounts to classifying a pixel as belonging to a blood vessel if its intensity is larger than the average intensity of nearby pixels. A value of is useful for avoiding the classification of background regions as blood vessels. The whole procedure can be easily implemented by convolving the image with a Gaussian filter and then applying Eq. (1) for each pixel in the original and smoothed image.Small connected components are removed because they are usually caused by shot noise, small fluctuations in sample illumination, or small tissues that are unrelated to blood vessels. Typically, components smaller than are removed. In a similar fashion, small holes are also removed from the image. They are associated with small regions inside blood vessels that end up being classified as background. Care must be taken to not remove actual background regions surrounded by blood vessels. Thus, holes with sizes of typically or less are removed. For 3D stacks, the adaptive thresholding operation described above is applied to each -plane of the stack. This is useful for making the detection insensitive to changes in brightness along the depth of the sample. Small connected components, typically with a size of or less, are then removed. Because 3D stacks are unlikely to contain background regions completely surrounded by blood vessels, all holes are removed from the stack. Since the CD31 staining is used for visualizing endothelial cells, blood vessels with large diameters may contain hollow regions. Still, the local thresholding method should provide good results if the radius used for the window is sufficiently large and if such hollow regions are brighter than the background surrounding the blood vessel, which was observed in our samples. 3.2.Skeleton CalculationThe result of the segmentation presented in the previous section is a binary image or volume containing the value 0 for background and 1 for the vasculature. It is important to transform the binary data into a more appropriate representation to facilitate the characterization of the vascular network. This is done by obtaining the skeleton, or medial axes, of the blood vessels. The skeleton is used for representing the vasculature as one pixel width lines for further processing. For 2D images, many popular algorithms can be used.23,24 For 3D stacks, the problem is more difficult because there is no unique definition of a 3D skeleton.25 We chose the Palágyi–Kuba algorithm26 due to its characteristic of keeping skeleton branches caused by small variations of the vessel walls. Such variations may be generated by vascular branches or may be a result of errors in the segmentation. Because the method keeps small skeleton branches, they can be further analyzed and pruned, if necessary. The pruning procedure is described below. 3.3.Representation as a GraphThe skeleton of the vasculature is further represented as a graph. Pixels belonging to the skeleton and having one neighbor pixel also belonging to the skeleton become terminal nodes. In a similar fashion, skeleton pixels having three or more neighbors in the skeleton become bifurcation nodes. Nodes are connected by an edge if there is a blood vessel segment between them. Furthermore, the path of the vascular segment represented by the edge is stored as an edge attribute. If multiple neighboring pixels are classified as a bifurcation, the respective nodes are merged, and a single node located at the average position of the merged nodes is created. The graph, or equivalently, the skeleton, is then pruned so that small branches with lengths smaller than a fixed value are removed. A branch is defined as an edge connecting a terminal and a bifurcation node. The size of a branch is calculated as the arc-length of the pixels representing the branch. The pruning procedure proceeds iteratively. As illustrated in Fig. 6, the smallest branch in the whole graph is removed first, which defines a new graph that does not contain the removed branch. Note that the removal of a branch might generate a new branch in the graph, in which case the length of the new branch is calculated and stored. Then, the smallest branch in the new graph is removed, and it is verified if the removal generated a new branch. The procedure is repeated until there are no more branches smaller than . Although the pruning procedure might lead to the removal of genuine blood vessel segments, it usually allows for a large reduction in false positive branches. Still, it is important to select a proper value of to avoid excessive pruning. The value of should be slightly larger than the typical diameter of a vessel. This allows for the removal of small branches generated from inaccuracies on the segmentation of the vessels’ walls. For 2D samples, the generated graph has the disadvantage that two blood vessels crossing each other may be detected as a branching point. Pattern recognition and machine learning approaches can be used for differentiating between crossings and bifurcations.18,27–29 But this is still an active area of research. Therefore, detecting spurious bifurcation points in 2D samples should be expected. 3.4.Morphological MeasurementsHaving obtained the skeleton and the graph, many morphological measurements can be calculated for characterizing the vascular network. We focus on calculating the vessel density, density of bifurcation points, and vessel tortuosity. 3.4.1.Vessel densityThe vessel density is defined as the sum of lengths of all blood vessel segments divided by the image volume. A vessel segment is composed of the set of pixels that connects two bifurcation points or a termination and a bifurcation point. Formally, with being the set of blood vessel segments of an image, being the arc-length of the ’th blood vessel segment, and being the area or volume of the image, the vessel density () is calculated as Typically, the physical units are defined in millimeters. Therefore, the vessel density is commonly written as for 2D images and for 3D images. 3.4.2.Vessel branchingThe density of bifurcation points is defined as the number of bifurcation points, identified as nodes in the graph having degree equal to or larger than 3, divided by the area (for 2D samples) or by the volume (for 3D samples) of the sample. 3.4.3.Vessel tortuosityThe blood vessel tortuosity is calculated for each pixel of all blood vessel segments [Fig. 7(a) shows examples of segments). The calculation of the tortuosity for a particular pixel of a vessel segment is illustrated in Fig. 7(b). For a given reference pixel [shown in orange in Fig. 7(b)], its local neighborhood is composed of all pixels inside a circle of radius centered at . A line is adjusted to the local neighborhood using linear least-squares regression. The tortuosity value assigned to is calculated as the average of the smallest distances between each pixel in the local neighborhood and line . The parameter adjusts the scale of the calculated tortuosity, which allows for the detection of different types of tortuous structures. Small values of can be used for detecting sharp turns of the blood vessels, whereas large values of lead to the identification of smooth changes in direction of the vasculature. The overall tortuosity of the vascular network in an image is calculated as the average tortuosity obtained for the considered reference pixels. 4.Case ExamplesIn the following, examples of 2D and 3D vascularity characterization using Pyvane are presented. The blood vessels contained in the considered samples are automatically identified, and the vascular density, number of branching points, and tortuosity are calculated. 4.1.2D AnalysisRegarding 2D images, Fig. 8 shows an example of intermediate results obtained for one of the samples. The original sample is shown in Fig. 8(a), and the respective result of the vasculature detection is shown in Fig. 8(b). The skeleton of the detected vasculature is shown in Fig. 8(c). The skeleton provides a representation of the vasculature in the original sample and can be used for measuring some morphological properties such as length and tortuosity. Figure 8(d) shows the representation of the vasculature as a graph. The graph provides a concise description of the topology of the vascular network and can be used for calculating bifurcation and branch statistics. Figure 9 shows examples of samples and the respective measurements that were obtained. We chose samples with clearly distinct properties for visual interpretation. Samples having more subtle differences can also be detected and quantified using the methodology. This is important as Pyvane allows for the identification of small changes in morphology due to experimental conditions, which may not be detected by visual inspection. 4.2.3D AnalysisRegarding 3D samples, Fig. 10 shows an example of a 3D stack, the respective reconstruction of the vasculature using the identified blood vessels, and an estimation for the diameter of each blood vessel. Figure 11 shows examples of measurements obtained regarding the morphology of 3D vascular networks. Having the vasculature represented as a skeleton and a graph, the considered properties can be easily measured and provide a reliable characterization of the samples. To illustrate the potential of the immunofluorescent labeling protocol and Pyvane, the vessel and branching point density as well as the average tortuosity were measured for a set of 324 3D stacks. Figure 12 shows the distributions of the obtained measurements. The distribution of the vessel and branching density are symmetric and peak at around and , respectively. Regarding the average tortuosity, it can be observed that the vasculature of a small set of samples is more tortuous than the majority of the samples, leading to a skewed distribution. Regarding the tortuosity of blood vessels, it can also be investigated locally. As presented in Sec. 3.4.3, each pixel in the vasculature can have an associated tortuosity value. Figure 13 shows an example of an original sample [Fig. 13(a)] and the respective local tortuosity values at a small scale [Fig. 13(b)] and at a large [Fig. 13(c)] scale. For the small scale, sharp changes in direction are detected. If a large scale is considered, segments of the blood vessels with smooth but prolonged changes in direction are identified. This local tortuosity can be used for detecting possible restrictions of blood flow30,31 and for characterizing angiogenesis.32–34 Indeed, the spatial scale constitutes an important point to be taken into account while performing the described operations as it can influence the results. The definition of the proper scale of analysis should consider not only the scale of noise and other eventual objects to be removed but also the spatial extensions involved in the biological phenomenon being studied. It is also interesting to investigate the influence of using 2D or 3D data when estimating the tortuosity. To do so, 2D samples were generated by discarding the depth information from the graphs generated from the 3D samples. As expected, when the tortuosity is calculated in 2D, the obtained values tend to be smaller than in 3D because variations along the depth of the sample are not considered. For instance, the average tortuosity of all 2D samples analyzed was 0.93 (0.07), whereas the average obtained for the 3D samples was 1.4 (0.1). The values between parentheses indicate standard deviations. 5.ConclusionThis protocol presents a straightforward procedure for immunostaining of brain vasculature followed by unbiased structural quantifications. The examples provided here demonstrate how vessel density, branching, and tortuosity can be obtained from 2D or 3D microscopic images. As processing power continues to grow, the ability to reliably quantify detailed blood vessel morphology, independent of human biases, is becoming more accessible. The goal of this protocol is to provide the community with tools that can be easily applied to promote more consistency in vascular data analysis. ReferencesB. J. 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BiographyMoises Freitas-Andrade is currently working as a research associate in the Lacoste Lab. He is interested in the link between early vascular development and brain maturation. Currently, he is investigating the growth of gliovascular interactions in the postnatal cerebral cortex of mice, unmasking astrocyte signaling pathways that drive vascular growth during brain development. He utilizes state-of-the-art transcriptomic analysis to identify, with spatio-temporal resolution, the astrocytic genes that are critical to vascular growth and maturation during postnatal brain development. Cesar H. Comin is currently working as an assistant professor at Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil. His main areas of research are digital image processing, complex networks, and machine learning. He has expertise in representing and modeling biological structures using computational approaches. In particular, he has developed image processing tools for identifying blood vessels, neurons, and muscle tissue in 2D and 3D images, and established unique approaches for characterizing blood vessels and neuronal dynamics using graphs. Matheus Viana da Silva received his BS degree in computer science from the University of Western São Paulo in 2018 and his MS degree in computer science from Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) in 2021. He is currently a PhD student in the Computer Science Graduate Program of UFSCar, Prof. Comin’s Lab. His research focuses on the detection and mitigation of biases in biological image morphometry pipelines, especially when employing deep learning methodologies for image segmentation. Luciano da F. Costa: The emphasis of his research has been on the development of concepts and methods which can be applied to characterize, classify, and model complex systems, especially regarding the interrelationship between their structural and dynamic properties. Several of his current projects focus on network science, structural/functional measurements and relationships, pattern recognition, and image/shape analysis of systems including cities, as well as biological and morphological networks. Baptiste Lacoste: His research background in neurobiology and postdoctoral training in vascular biology allowed him to bridge the gap between these disciplines, with a solid foundation in anatomical, physiological, biochemical, and genetic approaches. His lab at the University of Ottawa, Canada, investigates: (1) How cerebrovascular networks develop (2) What mechanisms underlie their plasticity (3) How vascular integrity and function are altered in neurological conditions, and (4) How targeting cerebrovascular plasticity may offer therapeutic options throughout life. |