Open Access
1 October 1978 Guest Editorial: Optical Properties Of Optical Materials
Roy F. Potter
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Modern high technology is somewhat taken for granted by most people. To those who have witnessed and participated, even to a limited extent, in the tremendous and rapid changes in electronics since the 1940s, the times have caused some confusion and consternation, but always with a sense of excitement and urgency to get on with the next development. Optics and its related technologies have been a part of this upheaval and have moved so far to the forefront that today the line between electronics and optics has all but faded out. Consider the implications of such disciplines as quantum optics, electro-optics, and opto-electronics. It was only a short time ago that the national determination to enter the space age and the advent of the laser accelerated optics toward its present place in high technology, with spinoffs into countless other fields. A listing of SPIE symposiums over the years indicates the extent of this penetration of optics.
Roy F. Potter "Guest Editorial: Optical Properties Of Optical Materials," Optical Engineering 17(5), 175445 (1 October 1978).
Published: 1 October 1978
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Optical properties


Laser optics

Electro optics

Laser applications


Quantum optics


Photonics in Taiwan from inception to an industry
Proceedings of SPIE (May 12 1992)
Electro-Optics In Two Years
Proceedings of SPIE (April 27 1989)
Optical Fibre Technology - A Digest
Proceedings of SPIE (January 03 1986)

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