1 February 1992 Effect of composition change on temperature measurements in a premixed flame by holographic interferometry
Chi-Chung Chen, Keh-Chin Chang, Sheng-Mao Tieng
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Application of holographic interferometry to nonintrusive temperature measurements in flames has been demonstrated as a viable means in engineering practices. However, the effect of composition changes on the previous investigations was often either neglected or assumed by a simpler relationship owing to lack of the distribution information of gas composition. This study investigates the effect of composition changes on temperature measurements using holographic interferometry by analyzing the composition of combustion gas using a gas chromatograph and measuring temperatures with a thermocouple to provide a comparison basis. Results are given for axisymmetric, laminar, premixed propane-air flames. Fuel-rich flame is found to have complex flame structure, and the effect of composition changes on the reconstruction of interferometric temperatures has to be taken into account. On the other hand, the flame structure in the fuel-lean case is much simpler, and using the linear distribution of molar refractivity in reconstruction of interferometric temperatures yields satisfactory results.
Chi-Chung Chen, Keh-Chin Chang, and Sheng-Mao Tieng "Effect of composition change on temperature measurements in a premixed flame by holographic interferometry," Optical Engineering 31(2), (1 February 1992). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.56081
Published: 1 February 1992
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Temperature metrology


Holographic interferometry


Refractive index

Fringe analysis

Holographic interferometers

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