1 April 1992 Relationship between the diffraction efficiency of a reflection hologram and the thickness and absorption of the recording medium
Dahe Liu, Weiguo Tang, Wanyun Huang, Zhujian Liang
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The relationship between the diffraction efficiency of a reflection hologram and the thickness and absorption coefficient of the recording medium was studied. The diffraction efficiency of a reflection hologram was found to increase monotonically with a decrease in the absorption coefficient a of the recording medium, but varies nonmonotonically with an increase of the thickness T of the recording medium. Maximum diffraction efficiency was obtained when T and α satisfied the relationship T= 1/α. Finally, we suggest a method to improve the quality of reflection holograms.
Dahe Liu, Weiguo Tang, Wanyun Huang, and Zhujian Liang "Relationship between the diffraction efficiency of a reflection hologram and the thickness and absorption of the recording medium," Optical Engineering 31(4), (1 April 1992). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.56122
Published: 1 April 1992
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