1 March 2008 Study for optical implementation of SW-banyan network by using polarization control technology
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An SW-banyan network can play an important role in an optical interconnection network. A smart and compact SW-banyan network with a 2×2 node switch is proposed that uses polarizing beamsplitters (PBSs), phase spatial light modulators (PSLMs), and mirrors. PBS features include an s-component (perpendicular to the incident plane) of the incident light beam that is reflected, and a p-component (parallel to the incident plane) that passes through it. According to switching logic, under the control of external electrical signals, a PSLM controls the routing paths of the signal beams, i.e., the polarization of each optical signal is rotated or not rotated 90 deg by a programmable PSLM. Since the proposed optical setup consists of only optical polarization elements, it is compact in structure and possesses a low energy loss, a high signal-to-noise ratio, and a large number of available optical channels. Finally, the discussions and experimental results show that the SW-banyan network proposed here may be used in optical communication and optical information processing.
©(2008) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Junbo Yang, Xianyu Su, and Ping Xu "Study for optical implementation of SW-banyan network by using polarization control technology," Optical Engineering 47(3), 035401 (1 March 2008). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.2897286
Published: 1 March 2008
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Optical networks

Optical interconnects

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