18 July 2012 Applicability of a binary amplitude mask for creating correctors of higher-order ocular aberrations in a photoresistive layer
Varis Karitans, Karlis Kundzins, Elina Laizane, Maris Ozolinsh, Lasma Ekimane
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Funded by: Support for Doctoral Studies at University of Latvia, Support of Doctoral Studies at the University of Latvia
Ocular aberrations can be corrected with wavefront correctors created in a photoresist layer. The simplest type of the mask used in optical lithography is a binary amplitude mask. It is known that such a mask has a periodic hole pattern. The purpose of this research was to assess applicability of a binary amplitude mask for creating ocular wavefront correctors. The photoresist was applied to the substrate by using the dip-coating method. The photoresist layer was illuminated through a mask printed on a transparent film by using a laser printer. The surface of the wavefront correctors was evaluated by aberrometry, scanning electron microscopy and profilometry method. The dip-coating method can be used to apply an uniform photoresist layer on the substrate. Despite rapid variations in the surface depth the required shape of the wavefronts can still be obtained. Because of strong light scattering the wavefront correctors manufactured by using a binary amplitude mask aren't suited for studying visual functions. However, the wavefront correctors manufactured by such a type of the mask may be used for calibration of aberrometers.
© 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) 0091-3286/2012/$25.00 © 2012 SPIE
Varis Karitans, Karlis Kundzins, Elina Laizane, Maris Ozolinsh, and Lasma Ekimane "Applicability of a binary amplitude mask for creating correctors of higher-order ocular aberrations in a photoresistive layer," Optical Engineering 51(7), 078001 (18 July 2012). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.OE.51.7.078001
Published: 18 July 2012
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Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Binary data

Photoresist materials

Light scattering



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