Dr. Gueorgui E. Dovgalenko
SPIE Involvement:
Profile Summary

Research and Development in Physics/Math/Engineering including Electronics, and Quantum Electronics. Education in Physics/Math.
100+ professional publications including patents, 60+ presentation at professional meetings in US and Europe.
Pioneered in new Sensor Technology which is non vulnerable to high level electromagnetic radiation.
Publications (32)

Proceedings Article | 27 March 2019 Presentation + Paper
George Dovgalenko, Kadir Altintepe
Proceedings Volume 10970, 109701L (2019) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2514180
KEYWORDS: Crystals, Nondestructive evaluation, Laser crystals, Sensors, CMOS sensors, Optical activity, Gamma radiation, Laser applications, Sensor technology, Nuclear radiation

Proceedings Article | 28 May 2018 Paper
George Dovgalenko, Kadir Altintepe
Proceedings Volume 10695, 1069504 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2312526
KEYWORDS: Crystals, Signal to noise ratio, Sensors, CMOS sensors, Interference (communication), Nondestructive evaluation, Image sensors, Aerospace engineering, Laser crystals, Space operations

Proceedings Article | 28 August 2016 Presentation + Paper
George Dovgalenko, Kadir Altintepe, Michael Bodnar, Joseph Prokop
Proceedings Volume 9960, 99600V (2016) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2236980
KEYWORDS: Nondestructive evaluation, Interferometry, Sensors, Electromagnetism, Metrology, Nondestructive evaluation, Interferometry, Crystals, Signal to noise ratio, Laser crystals, Interference (communication), CMOS sensors

Proceedings Article | 1 April 2010 Paper
Proceedings Volume 7647, 76473N (2010) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.848722
KEYWORDS: Nondestructive evaluation, Image sensors, Crystals, X-rays, 3D image processing, Signal to noise ratio, Electromagnetism, Sensors, Interference (communication), Laser crystals

Proceedings Article | 20 May 2009 Paper
Proceedings Volume 7358, 73580P (2009) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.820529
KEYWORDS: Crystals, Holography, Signal to noise ratio, Interference (communication), Visualization, Bismuth, Metrology, Reflectivity, Laser crystals, Electro optics

Showing 5 of 32 publications
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