• the size of the telescope and the associated complexity of the wavefront control tasks
• the unique scientific capabilities of METIS, including high contrast imaging
• the interaction with the newly established, integrated wavefront control infrastructure of the ELT
• the integration of the near-infrared Pyramid Wavefront Sensor and other key Adaptive Optics (AO) hardware embedded within a large, fully cryogenic instrument.
METIS and it’s AO system have passed the final design review and are now in the manufacturing, assembly, integration and testing phase. The firsts are approached through a compact hard- and software design and an extensive test program to mature METIS SCAO before it is deployed at the telescope. This program includes significant investments in test setups that allow to mimic conditions at the ELT. A dedicated cryo-test facility allows for subsystem testing independent of the METIS infrastructure. A telescope simulator is being set up for end-to-end laboratory tests of the AO control system together with the final SCAO hardware. Specific control algorithm prototypes will be tested on sky. In this contribution, we present the progress of METIS SCAO with an emphasis on the preparation for the test activities foreseen to enable a successful future deployment of METIS SCAO at the ELT.
METIS is the European Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) 1st-generation Mid-Infrared ELT Imager and Spectrograph. It will offer spectroscopic, imaging and coronagraphic capabilities from 3 up to 13 microns with Adaptive-Optics correction.
With its Final Design Review due late 2022 we report on the wavefront control strategy devised to meet the METIS science and technological requirements. Such strategy addresses challenging aspects as i) the appearance of differential petal piston modes in the presence of secondary mirror support struts caused either by numerical processing or the actual, physical low-wind effect, ii) the numerical pupil derotation and mis-reg compensation, iii) the adaptation to transient disturbance signals such as telescope-to-instrument handover control and iv) the compliance with constrained modal control of the pre-focal beam corrector mirrors (M4/M5).
The overall METIS wavefront control strategy consists in a split approach cemented in a sequence of steps: 1) Tikhonov-regularised spatial wavefront estimation/reconstruction on a zonal Cartesian coordinate system tied to the pyramid (P-WFS) sampling pixel grid, 2) the regularised projection onto a global modal control space including correction of mis-registrations and rotation between the P-WFS coordinate grid and the ELTs M4/M5, and 3) the time-filtering through the application of proportional-integral control before converting to actuator commands readied for the ELTs collaborative TT off-loading scheme whilst avoiding hitting the mirrors constraints in amplitude, speed and force.
We present physical-optics simulation results of the whole AO system obtained with prototyped instances of the real-time and soft-real-time computers including sensitivity analysis with respect to observational, atmospheric, non-atmospheric (telescope-intrinsic such as wind-induced low-order modes comprising tip-tilt) and instrument-specific conditions and disturbances.
An error budget is put together that meets the METIS science requirements in terms of wavefront error with reassuring margins thus endorsing the strategy devised.In this paper, we report on the first on-sky results and analyze the performances based on the data collected so far. We also discuss adaptive optics procedures and the joint operations with Luci for science observations.
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