Norman M. Wereley is the Minta Martin Professor of Aerospace Engineering, and InnoVital Systems Technical Fellow at the University of Maryland. He served as department chair from 2012-2021. His research interests are in dynamics and control of smart structures, with emphasis on active and passive vibration damping control applied to rotorcraft, aerospace and automotive systems. Key research areas are: (1) theory and application of semi-active magnetorheological dampers, and application to occupant protection, vibration isolation, and stability augmentation systems using advanced feedback control strategies, and (2) actuator development using smart materials, pneumatics, and passive/active compliant structures for morphing aircraft or helicopter rotor blades. Wereley has published over 250 journal articles, 16 book chapters, and over 250 conference articles. Wereley is co-inventor on 20 patents and several patents pending. He is Editor of the Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures and associate editor of Smart Materials and Structures, and Advances in Materials Research. He was Chair (2012-2013) of the SPIE Smart Structures/NDE Symposium, and has chaired several international conferences. Wereley was awarded the AIAA National Capital Section Engineer of the Year (2009), AIAA Sustained Service Award (2011), AHS Harry T. Jensen Award (2011), and ASME Adaptive Structures and Materials Systems Best Paper Awards in Structural Dynamics and Control (2004, 2012). Wereley was recipient of the ASME Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Prize (2012), SPIE Smart Structures and Materials Lifetime Achievement Award (2013), and SPIE Smart Structures and Materials Product Implementation Award (2013). Wereley is a Fellow of SPIE, AIAA, RAeS, VFS, ASME, and IOP; a lifetime member of SPIE, AIAA, and AHS; and a senior member of IEEE. He holds a B.Eng. (1982) from McGill University, and M.S. (1987) and Ph.D. (1990) in Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT.
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Analysis and testing of an inner bypass magnetorheological damper for shock and vibration mitigation
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A smart structure incorporates distributed actuators and sensors and contains the data processing and power conditioning capability. It has the capability to respond to a changing external environment to a changing internal environment. The course covers fundamentals of smart structures, describes the state-of-the-art in various areas and show applications to various systems.
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