• Design and implementation of web application allowing large volume of radiation measurement data exchange from an international platform. Wrote IAEA-published manuals on “International Radiation Monitoring Information System (IRMIS)” and “International Radiological Information Exchange (IRIX)”
• More than twenty-five years of extensive knowledge and research on advanced radiation detectors.
• Experience with radiation safety, shielding and dosimetry
• Experienced in using atmospheric dispersion and transport modeling codes like IMAAC, NARAC, HYSPLIT and HPAC for consequence management purposes.
• Advanced user of position sensitive multi-anode photomultipliers (PS-MA-PMT) & Solid-State Photomultiplier (SSPM) based gamma-ray imager
• Built a prototype neutron fission multiplicity counter using boron-lined STRAW detector
• Built a prototype multi-element neutron energy spectrometer
• Built a prototype portable hand-held gamma spectrometer (using largest commercially available crystal of LaBr3: Ce) with spectral data transmission capability.
• Benchmarked SrI2: Eu2+, CLYC: Ce, CLLB: Ce crystals for gamma and neutron detection and response functions
• Built networked sensor packages that collect radiological data, weather information and send the data over cell phone to a remote command post.
• Built a prototype dual sensor for gamma and neutron using 6Li-glass
• Built a prototype large area plastic scintillator detector for gamma ray measurements in the gross count mode.
• Built a prototype 6LiI: Eu detector for both gamma and thermal neutron measurements with a counter-display system using seven-segment LCD unit.
• More than twenty-five years of extensive knowledge and research on advanced radiation detectors.
• Experience with radiation safety, shielding and dosimetry
• Experienced in using atmospheric dispersion and transport modeling codes like IMAAC, NARAC, HYSPLIT and HPAC for consequence management purposes.
• Advanced user of position sensitive multi-anode photomultipliers (PS-MA-PMT) & Solid-State Photomultiplier (SSPM) based gamma-ray imager
• Built a prototype neutron fission multiplicity counter using boron-lined STRAW detector
• Built a prototype multi-element neutron energy spectrometer
• Built a prototype portable hand-held gamma spectrometer (using largest commercially available crystal of LaBr3: Ce) with spectral data transmission capability.
• Benchmarked SrI2: Eu2+, CLYC: Ce, CLLB: Ce crystals for gamma and neutron detection and response functions
• Built networked sensor packages that collect radiological data, weather information and send the data over cell phone to a remote command post.
• Built a prototype dual sensor for gamma and neutron using 6Li-glass
• Built a prototype large area plastic scintillator detector for gamma ray measurements in the gross count mode.
• Built a prototype 6LiI: Eu detector for both gamma and thermal neutron measurements with a counter-display system using seven-segment LCD unit.
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Ever since the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident in April of 19861 European Community (EC) has worked towards collecting routine environmental radiological monitoring data from national networked monitoring systems. European Radiological Data Exchange Platform (EURDEP) was created in 19952 to that end – to provide radiation monitoring data from most European countries reported in nearly real-time.
During the response operations for the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant accident (March 2011) the IAEA Incident and Emergency Centre (IEC) managed, harmonized and shared the large amount of data that was being generated from different organizations. This task underscored the need for a system which allows sharing large volumes of radiation monitoring data in an emergency.
In 2014 EURDEP started the submission of the European radiological data to the International Radiation Monitoring Information System (IRMIS) as a European Regional HUB for IRMIS. IRMIS supports the implementation of the Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident by providing a web application for the reporting, sharing, visualizing and analysing of large quantities of environmental radiation monitoring data during nuclear or radiological emergencies.
IRMIS is not an early warning system that automatically reports when there are significant deviations in radiation levels or when values are detected above certain levels. However, the configuration of the visualization features offered by IRMIS may help Member States to determine where elevated gamma dose rate measurements during a radiological or nuclear emergency indicate that actions to protect the public are necessary. The data can be used to assist emergency responders determine where and when to take necessary actions to protect the public.
This new web online tool supports the IAEA’s Unified System for Information Exchange in Incidents and Emergencies (USIE)3, an online tool where competent authorities can access information about all emergency situations, ranging from a lost radioactive source to a full-scale nuclear emergency.
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