Dr. Xavier Marcadet
at III-V Lab
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (32)

Proceedings Article | 9 February 2012 Paper
Guillaume Bloom, Christian Larat, Eric Lallier, Gaëlle Lehoucq, Shailendra Bansropun, Mane-Si Laure Lee-Bouhours, Brigitte Loiseaux, Mathieu Carras, Xavier Marcadet, Gaëlle Lucas-Leclin, Patrick Georges
Proceedings Volume 8277, 82771U (2012) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.906717
KEYWORDS: Quantum cascade lasers, Binary data, Coating, Beam splitters, Mid-IR, Polarization, Plasma etching, Mode locking, Antireflective coatings

Proceedings Article | 9 February 2012 Paper
G. M. de Naurois, M. Carras, B. Simozrag, F. Alexandre, X. Marcadet
Proceedings Volume 8277, 82771T (2012) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.909198
KEYWORDS: Quantum cascade lasers, Diffraction, Near field optics, Mode locking, Cladding, Phased arrays, Pulsed laser operation, Resistance, Near infrared, Semiconductor lasers

Proceedings Article | 21 January 2012 Paper
P. Bois, V. Guériaux, N. Briere de l'Isle, A. Manissadjian, H. Facoetti, X. Marcadet, E. Costard, A. Nedelcu
Proceedings Volume 8268, 82682M (2012) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.913968
KEYWORDS: Quantum well infrared photodetectors, Sensors, Polarimetry, Thermography, Long wavelength infrared, Staring arrays, Mid-IR, Imaging systems, Infrared radiation, Cameras

Proceedings Article | 5 October 2011 Paper
Guillaume Bloom, Christian Larat, Eric Lallier, Gaëlle Lehoucq, Shailendra Bansropun, Mane-Si Laure Lee-Bouhours, Brigitte Loiseaux, Mathieu Carras, Xavier Marcadet, Gaëlle Lucas-Leclin, Patrick Georges
Proceedings Volume 8187, 81870D (2011) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.902136
KEYWORDS: Quantum cascade lasers, Binary data, Coating, Mode locking, Collimation, Beam splitters, Mid-IR, Polarization, Plasma etching

SPIE Journal Paper | 1 June 2011
Vincent Gueriaux, Nadia Brèire de l'Isle, Arnaud Berurier, Odile Huet, Alain Manissadjian, Hugues Facoetti, Xavier Marcadet, Mathieu Carras, Virginie Trinité, Alexandru Nedelcu
OE, Vol. 50, Issue 06, 061013, (June 2011) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.3584838
KEYWORDS: Quantum well infrared photodetectors, Polarimetry, Quantum wells, Absorption, Thermography, Staring arrays, Optical engineering, Sensors, Doping, Long wavelength infrared

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