SPIE Journal Paper | 1 January 2011
Kensuke Kawamura, Yuji Sakuno, Yoshikazu Tanaka, Hyo-Jin Lee, Jihyun Lim, Yuzo Kurokawa, Nariyasu Watanabe
KEYWORDS: Video, Cameras, Imaging systems, Digital cameras, Nitrogen, Vegetation, Spatial resolution, Agriculture, Statistical analysis, Data modeling
Improving current precision nutrient management requires practical tools to aid the collection of site specific data. Recent technological developments in commercial digital video cameras and the miniaturization of systems on board low-altitude platforms offer cost effective, real time applications for efficient nutrient management. We tested the potential use of commercial digital video camera imagery acquired by a balloon system for mapping herbage biomass (BM), nitrogen (N) concentration, and herbage mass of N (Nmass) in an Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) meadow. The field measurements were made at the Setouchi Field Science Center, Hiroshima University, Japan on June 5 and 6, 2009. The field consists of two 1.0 ha Italian ryegrass meadows, which are located in an east-facing slope area (230 to 240 m above sea level). Plant samples were obtained at 20 sites in the field. A captive balloon was used for obtaining digital video data from a height of approximately 50 m (approximately 15 cm spatial resolution). We tested several statistical methods, including simple and multivariate regressions, using forage parameters (BM, N, and Nmass) and three visible color bands or color indices based on ratio vegetation index and normalized difference vegetation index. Of the various investigations, a multiple linear regression (MLR) model showed the best cross validated coefficients of determination (R2) and minimum root-mean-squared error (RMSECV) values between observed and predicted herbage BM (R2 = 0.56, RMSECV = 51.54), Nmass (R2 = 0.65, RMSECV = 0.93), and N concentration (R2 = 0.33, RMSECV = 0.24). Applying these MLR models on mosaic images, the spatial distributions of the herbage BM and N status within the Italian ryegrass field were successfully displayed at a high resolution. Such fine-scale maps showed higher values of BM and N status at the bottom area of the slope, with lower values at the top of the slope.