A fundus camera is an optical system designed to illuminate and image the retina while minimizing stray light and backreflections.
Modifying such a device requires characterization of the optical path in order to meet the new design goals
and avoid introducing problems. This work describes the characterization of one system, the Topcon TRC-50F,
necessary for converting this camera from film photography to spectral imaging with a CCD. This conversion consists of
replacing the camera's original xenon flash tube with a monochromatic light source and the film back with a CCD. A
critical preliminary step of this modification is determining the spectral throughput of the system, from source to sensor,
and ensuring there are sufficient photons at the sensor for imaging. This was done for our system by first measuring the
transmission efficiencies of the camera's illumination and imaging optical paths with a spectrophotometer. Combining
these results with existing knowledge of the eye's reflectance, a relative sensitivity profile is developed for the system.
Image measurements from a volunteer were then made using a few narrowband sources of known power and a calibrated
CCD. With these data, a relationship between photoelectrons/pixel collected at the CCD and narrowband illumination
source power is developed.